AVS296.ZIP (377K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

AVScan 2.96 Anti-Virus Scanner from Germany.
Has excellent detection rates. Actually
CHECKS FILE for virus signatures and does not
just do a 'quick' look to see if the file has
a virus on the front or end of the file.

CM211.ZIP (312K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

ChekMate 2.11 Known/Unknown Virus Detection
Utility Detects Changes To The Following:
Memory, Boot Sector(s), Partition Table
Protected Files, Interrupts and CMOS.
Launches BAIT Files to Entrap/Snare File
Infecting Viruses. NEW features: Word Macro
Virus Detection & Removal, 128 bit
Cryptographic Fingerprints, Byte for Byte
Comparison of Files/Areas. Detects many
Boot/Partition Viruses In MEMORY - Generic
Detection System. Does NOT Use Scan Strings.

DAT_9608.ZIP (310K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

McAfee Assoc. Virus Definition Update [1/1]

F_HARE15.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F-HARE v1.5 by Data Fellows Ltd will detect &
disinfect the 3 known variants of the Hare
virus (also known as HDEuthanasia and Krsna),
a polymorphic, stealth, multi-partite virus.
It is memory-resident and infects .COM/.EXE
files, MBRs of hard disks, & floppy disk boot
sectors. It is Windows 95 aware, enabling it
to infect both files and the boot sectors of
floppy disks used from Windows 95. On
22nd of August and the 22nd of September,
members of the Hare virus family will trigger
attempting to overwrite hard disks, floppy

F_MAC156.ZIP (88K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F-Macro V1.56 - Scanner And Disinfector For
Known MS Word Document (V6.X And V7.x) Macro
Viruses. Data Fellows, Ltd.

F_TEN210.ZIP (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F-Tent2 V1.0 - Scanner And Disinfector For
The Tentacle ii.10634 Windows Virus. (Also
Known as Shell) Data Fellows, Ltd.

F_TENT10.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F-Tent V1.0 - Scanner And Disinfector For The
Tentacle.1958 Windows Virus. Data Fellows.

FP_224A.ZIP (730K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F-Prot V2.24a August 1996. The F-prot
Anti-Virus Package Contains A Virus Scanner
Combined With A Disinfection Program, as Well
as A Resident Monitoring Program For
Intercepting Known Viruses. This Program is
Free of Charge For Private Users, But Others
Are Required to Register or Obtain The
'professional' Version.

FWIN311E.ZIP (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

F/WIN 3.11E Heuristic Windows virus scanner,
detects and cleans known and unknown Word
macro viruses, NE-EXE and PE-EXE viruses
(Windows 3.x and 95 viruses).

I_M302A.ZIP (407K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

INTEGRITY MASTER V3.02a virus scanner
and data Integrity!  Works well under OS/2,
Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses! Hardware
glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
sabotage are detected.  If a virus strikes,
IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
in memory and provides full CMOS protection!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

AntiViral Toolkit Pro MACRO Killer v1.2
Detects and deletes infected Word Macro virus
infections. Heuristic scanner to detect new
unknown macro viruses. Converts infected
templates back to .DOC format. Detects and
disables Laroux Excel macro virus! Protect
yourself today with AVP.

NTS_251E.ZIP (543K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

VirusScan for Windows NT DOS box by McAfee,
Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known
and new viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5 .
Version 2.5.1

OSC_251E.ZIP (493K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 2.5.1

SCN_252E.ZIP (462K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans
and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and
new viruses.  Requires DOS 3.0+.
Version 2.5.2 (9609) 09-15-96

SSD50.ZIP (151K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Servile Software Decoder (SSD) Version 5.0
SSD is a code analyser for the IBM PC Traces
and analyses 8080/8086 (and some 386)
software Screened interpreter prevents
disabling and disk writes providing a safe
environment for analysing computer viruses.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

STSCAN 1.30 (Public Domain) '96/8/6 - A
heuristic Windows virus scanner, detects
known and unknown NE-EXE (Windows 3.x)
viruses, known PE-EXE (Windows 95) viruses
and PME/W (poly- morphic engine for Windows).

TBAV705.ZIP (348K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete
anti-virus system available.  Included are
TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,
TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.

TBAVW705.ZIP (756K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete
anti-virus system available.  Included are
TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,
TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.

TBW95705.ZIP (676K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Thunderbyte Anti-Virus v7.05 for Windows 95
The Most Complete Anti-Virus System

ULP_223.ZIP (331K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

UpLoadProcessor v2.23 *** Overall Winner ***
of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest!
Detects, processes and converts archives,
nested archives and imbedded pathed archives.
Also processes selected uncompressed files.
Three online modes and three event modes of
operation available. Integrated duplication
system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely
configurable using a menu-driven system
manager. Now adds full results messaging!

UP960623.ZIP (535K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

AntiViral Toolkit Pro 06/23/96 Virus
Detection and Disinfection database update.
Cummulative update for AVP. Protect yourself
today with AVP!

V95I205E.ZIP (1,760K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

McAfee Assoc ViruScan for Win95 v2.05 [1/1]

VDS31C.ZIP (475K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Vds (Virus Detection System) 3.1c Now
Includes A Windows 95-Based Shell to Install,
Configure And Run Vds Programs Easily.
De-Install Feature For Win95 And DOS, And A
Generic Virus Remover. Its User Interface is
One of The Most Functional in The Market.

VNT251E1.ZIP (1,416K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

McAfee virus scan for Windows NT 1/2. Sent to
ExecNet via FTP by Gerry Schechter!

VNT251E2.ZIP (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

McAfee virus scan for Windows NT 2/2. Sent to
ExecNet via FTP by Gerry Schechter!

WSC251E1.ZIP (1,298K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

VirusScan for Windows 3.1, Version 2.5.1 with
(9607) .DAT File  1/2

WSC251E2.ZIP (377K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

VirusScan for Windows 3.1, Version 2.5.1 with
(9607) .DAT File  2/2