CTRL3_80.ZIP (148K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Control3: FAST file management - times three.
Control 3 is like Norton Commander, only
faster. This simple to operate file
management system has all the features you
will need but times three, as you can display
and control THREE drives or directories on
screen simultaneously, with EGA/VGA support
for extended DOS text modes.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DIRMAN V1.60 - File Manager & File Viewer.
If you are an experienced user & are tired of
waiting for slow multi megabyte Windows GUI
utilities to do your general file maintenance
and file viewing, Dirman is exactly what you
are looking for.  Small, easy to use, & fast
DOS character based program can handle all of
your file maintence and file viewing needs.
New version provides full support for long
filenames under Win 95.  Shareware $15 Reg.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DeskMenu! 3.1 - A low profile, text based
Program Manager for Windows NT here is
probably no other program you can add to your
system that will make better use of it's
screen and disk space than DeskMenu!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DeuTex Shell v1.00 - A simple text-based
menu for DeuTex.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

EDDY v.8e  "EDit DirectorY"- Do ANYTHING
u want to disks/files, + lots u never thought
of & won't find elsewhere!  DOS shell & File
Manager-like tasks REALLY easy! Seldom-needed
stuff (editing hex files, sectors, RAM, e.g.)
can be LIFESAVERS!  Reviews say: "clean, easy
to use, well-written * interface is elegant *
docs excellent * quality [like] Norton".
NEW: minor enhancement release


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Launch v4.40 Menu System Crystal Software
Smart, flexible and attractive windowed menu
system that caters for all levels of users.

MMENU100.ZIP (101K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

"THE MAIN MENU" - Boot-up program list.
A utility to create a main menu list of
specific programs that you run frequently.
"The Main Menu" is ideal as a boot-up
menu for computer novices who never will
master DOS commands.  You can shield the
end-user from having to remember where
their programs are.  Just create a menu
list with a text editor once, and let
"The Main Menu" take it from there.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Manager Pro v0.1a FREEWARE File Manager utili
Copy or delete files, delete directories, or
or menu.

MXMNU254.ZIP (461K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

MarxMenu v2.54: menu system/batch language w/
over 850 commands, compiler, arrays,
selftyping variables, screen painting,
passwords & a strong set of database tools
based upon Novell's Btrieve interface;


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Olio: The Menu Program 1.0 (Kruton
Programming; $6.50) is a very useful menu
program that aids in getting around with all
of your DOS applications. Many features
available and a WHOLE lot more in the
registered version!

PN123E14.ZIP (371K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

PGPn123 is a clipboard based PGP shell for
Windows. It has the ability to connect with
any other Windows based program and sit on
top of it without obscuring other windows.

VCC20.ZIP (120K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

│ A must have DOS shell utility! │
│ VCC is a graphics based mouse  │
│ interface that looks totally   │
│ different from all those other │
│ NC clones. Run your programs,  │
│ manage files and ZIPs, view    │
│ directories in full color, see │
│ your memory and hard drive     │
│ usage and much more!  You've   │
│ never seen anything like this! │

WOMNU41.ZIP (540K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

WOmenu v4.1: simple, yet powerful MS-Windows
menu system for both network and stand-alone
environments; low resource utilization;
flexible user-specific menus; unlimited menu
items & sub-menus; run any pgm, Windows or
DOS-based; reqs vbrun300.dll


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

THE GAME TEAM Proudly presents X-View V3.5
Graphical Menu Interface Mouse File Manager

ZIPHD222.ZIP (478K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

ZIP-HARD 2.22 - Front-end for PKzip/PKunzip.
Shareware v2.04g Pkzip included. Window 3.1
Vbrun300.dll required. Quickly extract files
by double-click. Easily backup directories.
Select file or directory to include/exclude.
Use Win95 right mouse click to unzip files.