ACF320.ZIP (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Area Code Finder 3.20 - Added yet more new
codes - Fixed some small bugs and spellings -
Displays entire state or single code

CAL9609.ZIP (74K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CAL 96.09 FREE scheduler for home or office.
Here's a personal or office scheduler that
can be upgraded for network and multiuser
situations. It works with any version of DOS
or WINDOWS, needs mouse and VGA monitor.
Author uses this in his medical practice.
Weekly meetings quickly entered or removed,
searchable for any word or client name, finds
open appointments, prints staff schedules,
schedules staff meetings and serial meetings.

COLAID24.ZIP (2,593K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Use College Aid Calculator 96-7 to Est. your
costs at public & private colleges. What if
test aid-increasing scenarios. For Parents,
Dependent Students & Independents.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

(v1.0) - Desktop Calendar
CT Calendar is, well, a calendar for your
desktop. We have tried to keep it small
enough to keep on your desktop, if you wish,
but large enough to read without a magnifying
glass. VB40032.DLL required.

GC314M.ZIP (584K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

recipe/menu/shopping list/cost manager
for Windows. Recipe database manager
with multi-criteria search and tagging
features. User-defined categories;
auto-categorizes. Quickfill data entry.
Import/export Meal Master (tm) recipes.
Prepares shopping list from your multi-day
menu created from multiple digital
cookbooks. Shopping list by aisle; cost
of shopping list at stores.  Cuts hours
off organizing and converting recipes,
creating menus, making shopping list(s).


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

GOLD'N YEARS Retirement Funds Analysis (v4)
projects your returns for up to 5 funds and
shows your resulting yearly incomes using 5
payout methods, COLA's, much much more

HAPPY24.ZIP (154K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Birthday-reminder for home and office. Give
it a snug place in AUTOEXEC.BAT and
forgetting a birthday is a thing of the past!
For use with a stand-alone PC or in a multi-
user network.

HRW510.ZIP (1,316K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Household Register for Windows v5.10 is an
easy-to-use full featured home/office
inventory program. Stores all the correct
information so your insurance company pays in
case of loss due to fire, theft etc. Multi-
sort browse, query wizard, print preview,
report writer, incremental searches, reverse
sorts, backup/restore, dBase/ASCII import and
export and more. Registration price $25.00


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

HUD & Fair Housing Rights.

KA_KR_12.ZIP (300K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

KRYPTOGRAMS - Politics, Religion, and
Relationships Quotations.  Freeware!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Universal Mortgage System v1.10 -A
comprehensive personal mortgage calculator
Provides calculations, projections, graphs
and comparisons for every type of mortgage
and frequency of payment. For Win 3 or Win95
Requires VBRUN300.DLL

PBCAL112.ZIP (99K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

PBCal (v1.12) - Calendar/Diary program
Nice & Easy Calendar program. Features
daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
notes. New: Todo list.
The program can be used as a
great diary program too.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

PcDesk v6.2 - This MS-DOS program generates
Monthly Calendars a Weekly Schedule and Daily
Planners to which you can add memo notes.
CGA version (ideal for Palmtops) is included.
Mouse is recommended for PcDesk. Full printer
support. Selectable colors.  Shareware.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

PCLOCK v1.6 - A PC/AT DOS utility to display
an Analog Clock and Monthly Calendar. Can be
called by screen saver programs. Time and
date are set from the system clock. Press any
key or mouse button to exit. Use the DOS
command line to set colors (examples: "pclock
magenta on cyan" or "pclock blue on white").
Requires an EGA or VGA color monitor. Written
by Robert Lindsay Wells. Freeware.

QTAX13.ZIP (107K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Fast, easy to use tax calculator and planner.
Answers filing status, dependency and
withholding allowance questions. Anyone can
use QuickTax's easy question and answer
format with hyperspeed review and entry for
fastest updating. Summary review of all tax
areas. Quicktax guides you through an entire
return at warp speed without struggling with
any IRS forms or flow charts.

ROLO2095.ZIP (312K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Rolodeck Electronic Card File v2.0
Windows based program to electronically
organize your card file. Search, list, sort,
and print are just a few of the functions.
Additionally you can print and address book,
or make envelopes and labels. This is a must
have for the business man who has a computer.
Register by phone, fax, or mail with check or
credit card (MC/VISA).

SMT9607.ZIP (73K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CAL 96.07 FREE scheduler for home or office.
Here's a personal or office scheduler that
can be upgraded for network and multiuser
situations. It works with any version of DOS
or WINDOWS, needs mouse and VGA monitor.
Author uses this in his medical practice.
Weekly meetings quickly entered or removed,
searchable for any word or client name, finds
open appointments, prints staff schedules,
schedules staff meetings and serial meetings.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Strategies to Reduce College Costs v2.5 con-
tains concise $ saving financial aid facts.
Learn how to: Est. and increase aid, play
"What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios,
answer aid form questions--a Think Ahead must
read self-help electronic book for parents
and students. Strategies...covers aid info
for both Public and Private colleges. Also,
included: My_Plan -- your own interactive
college planner.

WML29.ZIP (503K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

The smart & easy way to manage names and
addresses. This professional package prints
labels, envelopes, phone book on dot matrix
or laser. Import/Export. Dup check. PostNET
bar codes. USA, Canada, and Int'l. Req 400k
RAM & hard disk.  Windows, DR-DOS, OS/2 ok!

WPILL13B.ZIP (1,171K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

WhatPill for Windows v1.3 - Compare real
costs of supplement purchase options so you
can find the best buys; do cost analysis for
vitamins you take now; track inventory
(autoalerts on when to order); powerful order
creation function (helps you budget!); keeps
history of all health purchases for tax
purposes. Req: Win 3.1 , 4MB RAM, Color, 386+