Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

BERNICE THE DRAGON is cross-eyed and has a
bad habit of sticking her tongue out at
people - but she'll certainly add a unique
touch to your RemoteAccess BBS. This program
displays the last remote caller to your
system. It operates fully as a door and
features a chat-mode, support for every
mainstream color-code system, a script
system, and much more. Source code included
for use with the Concerto door development

CMSRA110.ZIP (67K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

│ Credit Maintenance System v1.1.0 for    │
│ RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.50            │
│ CMS  allow you to upgrade any user that │
│ reach the amount of credit which is set │
│ in CMSCFG.  It  also have an ability to │
│ generate  * four *  different  types of │
│ transaction report.                     │
│ Moreover  CMS  can  post  a tailor-made │
│ email to an upgraded user.              │

CVW012.ZIP (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CALL VIEW v0.12 (RA2.xx) - A Caller Lister
for RemoteAccess 2.xx. Supports up to 256
nodes. Lists node, user, location, baud, time
of logon/logoff, total number of calls. No
command line parameters! Comes with FD View
for FrontDoor calls also! Supports
RemoteAccess 2.50. Released on 07/25/1996.
From J. Michael Burke of JB Computer
Technologies. Registration for FD View AND
Call View is $2.00!!

DCTBG120.ZIP (67K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DCT Bulletin Generator v1.20 *  For RA,
Concord, SuperBBS, and any other QuickBBS-
compatible system.  Will create aesthetically
pleasing NEWS.ANS/ASC screens to show to your
users at login.  Comes with its own built-in
editor, so that you don't have to edit a text
file then compile it.  Very configurable,
and it allows you to create your own bulletin
styles or use one of the supplied designs.
Also allows colour changing within the
bulletin itself.  Freeware by Dan Traczynski.

IEDIT210.ZIP (155K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

IceEdit v2.10 * Fullscreen Message Editor
For RA 2.xx/PB 2.xx/TG 3.0/QBBS 2.80 &
compatibles * Random/Scrolling Taglines,
character color config, Line-Centering,
Textfile exporting, Message Censoring,
Macro Config, Configurable Function Key
Macros, Color Configuration, Language File,
Replacement Codes Color Control Strings,
efficient Spell Checking Routines and more!
Released: 08/22/96

LC_120.ZIP (427K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

█                                      █
█    │ ─────────┬─                     █
█    │iG├┤┬ C├┤A│     Version 1.20     █
█    └────────────                     █
█                                      █
█ New version, crammed with   exciting █
█ new features! External chat program, █
█ external message  editor,  255  chat █
█ modes  (18  pre-defined),   multiple █
█ languages, SoundTracker support, SB/ █
█ GUS/Ensoniq   support,   intelligent █
█ auto-installation to RA or ProBoard. █


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

MAFRAG/fC v3.0 - Lightbar File/Message,
Group/Area navigator for RA v2.x. Arrow
keys or numpad. Automatically centers text.
Fully configurable.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

LIGHTBAR MENUS v0.2A - For RA 2.5 only.
Featuring security & flag checks, show ANSIs,
door executer, item info definable, and
RALanguage support. Configurable and
completely RA-alike. Freeware.

RAMSV131.ZIP (195K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

RemoteAccess Automated Message System v1.31
Another release of the BEST automated message
system for RemoteAccess BBS! Automated
posting of all those boring messages a busy
Sysop needs to send to users. RA 2.0x AND RA
2.5 Compatable Hudson/Jam Support.
Netmail/Localmail/Echomail. Proccess External
Programs .

RCHAT1_0.ZIP (90K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

RAPIDCHAT V1.0 split screen chat program for
remoteAccess BBS.

READ_435.ZIP (132K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

THE READER V4.35 - Online Mailreader/door
for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
multitasker aware.
Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

╔───■[ Bluewave for Shotgun Utility  ]■──╗
│ Run The Bluewave QWK Door with Shotgun!│
│   This utility will allow you to run   │
│ the Remote Access version of Bluewave  │
│ with Shotgun BBS.  Automatically reads │
│ Shotgun BBS Data files and will update │
│  itself whenever you make any changes! │
│ New configuration program, with a very │
│  simple installation and works great!  │
│ Version 1.6 for Shotgun 1.38 or greater│
╚──────────────■[ FzSoft ]■──────────────╝

TE140A.ZIP (168K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

│▌█▐│    TurboEDIT Version 1.40a    │▌█▐│
 Mikerosoft Productions' full screen on-
 line message editor, offering  quoting,
 censoring,  standard editing keys, tag-
 lines, spellchecker, bad-user handling,
 user setups,  color  setup,  user sigs,
 "chainsaw effect" fix,  custom screens,
 phrase expansions, mail reader support,
 import, export, INSTANT tagline finder,
 & more!  Runs FAST! under OS/2 & Win95.
 Works w/any MSGTMP type BBS,  has extra

V7O_203H.ZIP (197K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

FastV7 2.03h OS/2 gamma-7, 14 Jun 1996,
Shareware Version7 Nodelist Compiler,
Updater, Browser & Manager.
* Creates Frontdoor, Version7, McMail,
Remote Access, Maindoor, Termail and
GoldEd nodelist indexes
* Updating the nodelist files with the
weekly distributed difference files.
* Manage the nodelist files on your BBS
or pointsystem
* Updating Frontdoor/Binkley magic file.
* Supports 4dos descriptions, files.bbs
system, RA 2.0 filebase and the Portal
of Power Okfile