1LINEV11.ZIP (173K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

░▒▓█ One Linerz  v1.1 █▓▒░
Here's your chance to let people know
what you have to say!  Each month enter
your BEST One Liner and VOTE for your
favourite One Liner.  On the 1st of each
month a DRAW will be made automatically
and you could be the lucky winner of the
PRIZE determined by the Sysop!
Throughout the month check out the TOP
10 LIST to see how YOUR line is doing
in the competition!  Included support
for built-in color codes and Sysop
defined BAD WORDS.  Automatically sees
Sysop and asks for PRIZE SETUP.

ACEY17.ZIP (126K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

ACEY DEUCEY      -  Door Game       v1.7    .
**   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
card game. Automatic game reset & Hall of
Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
missed, during the month. FOSSIL support for
Multi-port cards including PCBoard /M........
.........Progressive Jackpot.................
******** INTER-BBS  capable *****************

ACT5.ZIP (54K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

. Across The Tracks v5
-=-FreeWare Lord IGM-=-=-
Explore the ghetto on the
other side of the tracks.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

────══ ANNOUNCE! v3.0 ══────
A great BBS door for the busy Sysop!
Why do a major ansi screen for a simple
text announcement?
Announce your Door Game Resets, User
Meets and more!  Includes Sysop/Co-Sysop
deleting features, auto centering for all
text in each announcement, your choice of
foreground and background colors, with a
preview before saving feature.
Works with ANY DOOR.SYS BBS!
(C)1996 Lounge Software

APV200.ZIP (126K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

│ * * * Aladdin's Palace Version 2.00 * * * │
│ See Aladdin and Jasmines Palace in a Lord │
│ IGM! Changes since Version 1.30 Include : │
│                                           │
│ *  All known bugs fixed - including the * │
│ *         elusive "Rename Bug".         * │
│                                           │
│ FREQ "ALADDIN" From: 1:140/129 for latest │

ASYDV204.ZIP (864K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

The Arkhaim Asylum v2.03 Door Game

BLORD151.ZIP (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌─ Another product from the Bubbly Factory ─┐
│ ──────────══════════───────────────────── │
│   █▀█ █ █ █▀█    █   █▀█ █▀█ █▀▄          │
│   █▀█ █ █ █▀█ ▀▀ █   █ █ █▀▄ █ █ Ver 1.51 │
│   ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀    ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀           │
│    An Add-on for LORD Version 3.20+, to   │
│  generate random events like changing of  │
│ certain attributes, and also a BANK-CRASH │
│ option! Real kool! A must for BBSes that  │
│             runs LORD 3.20+               │
│ ─────────────═══════════───────────────── │

BMSTR22.ZIP (132K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌──────[  Board Master v2.2  ]───────╗
│       Copyright (c)1995,1996       ║
│        Heavenware Software         ║
│    A truly fun & addictive BBS     ║
│       simulation door game.        ║
│   Inter-BBS, Multi-node/tasking,   ║
│  Supports most drop file formats,  ║
│        & Non-standard IRQ's        ║

BRE0985.ZIP (305K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.985
Interactive InterBBS Wargame
A world-wide leader in
InterBBS Gaming!

BRESK201.ZIP (57K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

BRESK v2.01 -BRE League Score Keeper.
For BRE Leagues running BRE 0.970+
Creates a BRE League Standing Summary
Bulletin for BRE leagues.
Monitors the change of scores over
the last 7 days.
From Bulmer Computer Systems, Inc.

BRONX1_5.ZIP (522K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

South B*R*O*N*X UNREG Ver. 1.5 (DOOR GAME)
Fully Interactive, Multi-Node Aware,
"Street Gang" Action Door Game.
Offers users a full *7* locations to play.
Fight rival Gang Members, Have Sex, Sell
Dope, run a string of "Girls", Hire Hit-
Men*, Steal, Destroy 3rd Party Property
all in "Real-time", but don't get BUSTED!
Internal player Message System offers "Node
to Node" and Player to Player Communication.
South B*R*O*N*X includes a Built-in "Install
Program" aids in set up.  Supports  DOOR.SYS
and many other "STANDARD" type drop files.

CAS_125.ZIP (206K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

W & W Communications CASTLE SIEGE door.
Castle Siege is a multiplayer realtime
interactive adventure game where
players attempt to build their forces
in order to topple the Castle.  There
are magic items, wizards, beasts,
enemy warriors and many other items
of interest in this interactive game.

CAVE13.ZIP (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

.     The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.3 LORD IGM
For LORD 3.25+ - 13 different random actions,
plus the ability for you to make your own!
Knows LORD color codes, so those of you that
use them in your names, they look right!
SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
standard Com ports!  $5 SHAREWARE.

CELEB42.ZIP (145K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Celebrity Trivia v4.2  A BBS door program
concering trivia about famous people around
the world.  Now creates RIP graphic bulletins
Another BBS Door program from PAROLE Software
and Dennis Maidon.

CHNRT193.ZIP (215K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CHAIN REACTION v1.93 Now InterBBS Capable!
Chain Reaction is a challenging new word game
by Mace Software based on the TV game show of
the same name. Players must guess words based
on the relationship with the preceeding and
following words. A fun and Educational game.
Auto fossil detect. DV and Windows detection.
Supports most BBS types. Can also be played
at home without a BBS.
HNRT196.ZIP   281656  07-24-96  |======= CHAIN REACTION  v1.96 =======|
|       Now  InterBBS  Capable!       |
| Chain Reaction is a challenging new |


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CLASSIFIED Ads    -  Door       v4.3        .
**  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
Callers enter Classified Ads into categories
configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number
of days Ads remain active, by category. Auto
purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL Door
Download ads, read/reply offline! Allows for
the SELLING of AD SPACE ! Now PICTURE capable


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌───   + The Surgical Clinic +   ───┐
Version 1.5
Visit the Clinic Today! Tired of
being manly? Womanly? We can fix
that little problem! Want out of
your miserable little existance?
Come right in and sit down.
└───    ■ illusion software ■    ───┘


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.00 [IGM]
In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
**Freeware** No registration required!

CQ10WBA.ZIP (353K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

│ Become a "COP" or a "THUG" in this great │
│ door game!  Play "255" levels!  Supports │
│ DOOR.SYS and most dropfiles!  Also "IGM" │
│ capability makes every game different! I │
│ rate this game "SUPER FUN"!  Download it │
│ today!  Over 180 full color, full screen │
│ ANSI's!  Some even have fun  ANIMATIONS! │
│ Extreemly Sysop configurable!   Easy and │
│ quick setup! Great game editor!  This is │
│ a "MUST HAVE" door game for your users!! │


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CQIGM v1.0
Driver Kit To make IGMS's For The Great
Turbo Pascal v6.0 or greater.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.0a [IGM]
In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
**Freeware** No registration required!
This version fixes a small error in the
install program.

CW60.ZIP (148K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

CrossWords is a door program unlike any
other of its kind!
(Registered verson is unlimited in the number
of puzzles you can have available for your
users to solve thru importing). Users may cho
to solve ANY of the clues they wish! The Regi
version is SYSOP configurable as to the numbe
of plays allowed per puzzle. Best of all, the
Registered version gives the SYSOP the capabi
of importing more cross word puzzles into the
CrossWords has been tested and supports the D
drop file (standard 52 line format) as well a

DCTBL004.ZIP (130K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DCTList v0.04ß * A deluxe BBS listing door
for any BBS which creates a DOOR.SYS or
DORINFOx.DEF drop file.  Completely lightbar
driven and contains all the modern features
that a lister should have.  Allows the user
to download the BBS list in 5 different
formats using one of up to nine SysOp-
configurable external protocols.  Users may
also upload & view ANSI BBS ads as well as
search the list using various methods.
** NEW! **  Add-on utility to generate
alternating GOODBYE.ANS/ASC files!

DCTNU005.ZIP (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DCT Note to the Next User v0.05 * A full-
featured message to the next user door
compatible with any BBS which creates a
DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS drop file.
Features include the lightbar selector,
blacklisting of problem users, the user
censor, user logging, colour codes, plus
more.  Can be configured to look any way
you want so that it matches your board's
theme.  Setup is fast and easy.  FreeWare
by Dan Traczynski.

DCTVD030.ZIP (109K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DCT Deluxe Voting Door v0.30 for any
DOOR.SYS BBS which. Fast and easy setup

DGWRL145.ZIP (389K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DogWorld v1.45  -  Advanced RPG Door Game!
Multinode, non-standard irq's, locked baud
to 115k. Fossil/internal.  Major dropfiles
supported. Be one of 16 breed of dog. Beat
the evil Dog Catcher!  Amazingly  detailed
Rip Graphics! In-game RIP icon D/L, unique
IGM  support,  144 enemies and much, more.
1.44+ fixes bug w/females  having puppies.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Diamond Trivia  v4.2  Feature Update!
A BBS door program concerning trivia
of our national pasttime, BaseBall.
Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
RIPSCRIP interface.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

DoorMan v1.1 BBS Door/Bulletin Mgr. FREEWARE!

DORV110.ZIP (197K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌[DoR]─[DAY OF RECKONING]─[DoR]─[v1.10]┐
· tons of special moves and combos!!!!
│ action-packed new fighting abilities │
. cool team/fortress fighting, a must! .
│ fight in ninja-monkeys in the trees! │
· discover codes and explore the map!!
. upgrade your weapons, armor, & stats .
=Best rpg game out there right now!!!!!=
=written by Jason Coo, InfinitySoftware=
=new "live switch" revolutionizes doors=
=only $10 before Oct. 1, 1996:$15 after=


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

-----======Dragoon Quote v2.0======-----
Dragoon Quote  is  a  brand  new release
from Dragoon Soft!   It's a new Quote of
the Day generator!  Looks pretty spiffy!
It supports 4 line Quotes,  which can be
edited by the  SysOp  or can be added by
users with the Add-A-Quote door! -------
ANSI and ASCII support. ----------------
Compiled using RMDoor v4.5a ------------
Dragoon Quote v2.0

DWALL141.ZIP (108K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Bug Fix release for DWALL 1.40, now the ONLY
Inter-BBS Grafitti Wall works even better

EPM1V20.ZIP (86K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Extended Play Module for use with
The Quest For Nora Door Game.
Users are able to visit the Lair in
order to get some extra help in their
quest.  Frankendella will also help
the user trick the Village Statue.
For v4.0 ONLY of The Quest For Nora!

EPM2V20.ZIP (85K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Extended Play Module for use with
The Quest For Nora Door Game.
Bothered by those other players who are
killing you on a daily basis?  Here's a
great place to get the rubies you need
to buy some new weapons or defense!
Attacking them will be much easier then!
Can you pick the right candle to light?
If you do then Doon will be very kind!
Will work ONLY with v4.0 of The Quest
For Nora!

EPM3V20.ZIP (86K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Extended Play Module for use with
The Quest For Nora Door Game.
Searching through a cave in the Jungle
you stumble upon The Cave of Treasures.
Inside you find a Jungle Knome
guarding 12 Treasure Chests.  The
Jungle Knome will allow you to open 1
Chest and keep whatever you find.
You can find more rubies, experience
and even the next level weapon!
Great treasures await you in The Cave
of Treasures!  Will work ONLY with v4.0
of The Quest For Nora!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Adult Sexual Stories BBS Door!
Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
or enter\read user Adult Sexual
Adventures.  Explore the world of Adult
Literature and have some fun too!
Now supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,

FAX_115.ZIP (105K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

W & W Communications FAXIT ONLINE door.
Fax-it will make your fax modem
available to your bbs users.  Your
users can enter Fax-it, upload faxes
via the door and tell Fax-it where to
send them.  Fax-it will generate a
batch file which you can run once a
night or everytime a user logs off your
system via events.  As the sysop you
can also set up an area of Faxes you
want your users to have the ability
to fax to themselves or others.  This
could be things like data sheets,
registration forms etc.

FE104.ZIP (278K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

-=Falcon's Eye (FE) v1.04=-
InterBBS Capable Fantasy War Game
From the Makers Of BRE
Redesigned from previous versions

FIRES101.ZIP (155K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Fireside Chat 1.01 (tm) IGM by G.A.C.
Computer Services.  MULTINODE REALTIME user
chat by the fireside.  Allows users to chat
LORD GAMES!  Support for all BBSs and comm
routines LORD supports, original ANSI art,
RIP, chat actions.  NO MODIFICATIONS, just
multi-lord game chat!  Players can page
another player in ANY lord game from the
fireside.  Works with Major BBS Correctly!

FIRES13.ZIP (174K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Fire-Rescue Trivia v1.03 - BBS Door of Many
topics for Fire Rescue, EMT's and Medical
Personnel. Are you ready for this one? Many
questions are included in the expanded
database when you register this door.
MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported, many BBS types


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌=[ Chuckle Box FORSALE Script v1.0 ]=─┐
│                                      │
│ Here is a FREE script which you can  │
│   run as a FORSALE door.  It comes   │
│ with automatic maintenance. Rewards  │
│   for posting ads, notification to   │
│  SysOp of new posts, and has other   │
│    features like eMail replying.     │
│                                      │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘

FTOWN100.ZIP (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Fairy Town IGM  Version 1.00 for LORD.
Visit  Fairy  Town  and  discover it's
hidden  secrets.   Adoptions.   Games.
Fight the Giants!  Find the Amazon  or
the   Trojan   Warrior,  if  you  can!
Exchange your  Gems  for Potions.  Try
your luck at  the  Poker  Casino  too.
Catch  a  Fairy or set your Fairy free
for  very   special   rewards!   Fully
multinode capable. Super-easy install.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

The Funky Logon Enhancer
This Programed Is a
Combined Source Of
The Reg, The Funky Wall,
And The funky Random Ansi
Door, It rocks Just Download it
its free BTW


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

ThE FuNkY WaLl 2.0
A Complete ReWrite Of
The Funky Wall..
10x More Cooler
The Best Wall Door Out
There.. Check It Out
It Even Has Random
Colors.. For Door.sys
and Dorinfo.def

FVB20.ZIP (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

FVB v2.0 - External Voting Booth  (08/31/96)
This software is a voting booth that can
be executed as a door, as a logon event or
internally to replace the stock one. Nice
graphical interface, easy to use. To use
with the WWIV Bulletin Board System.

GACBJ122.ZIP (141K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Tournament Blackjack TM (TBJ) Version 1.22
by G.A.C. Computer Services, Quality First.
This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS blackjack game
that will work on all BBS systems.  TBJ
will allow users on a BBS to participate in
a blackjack game as if they were sitting at
a real table, chatting is even available!
Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
and view all scores.  Sophisticated Inter-BBS
options allow for easy operation. $10


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Released 09/06/96.
Do battle with Street Punks, Recruit
Gang Members, visit the Gangland Boss,
Rob Local Stores, play Blackjack and
much more!  Registered Version
automatically creates an ANSI BULLETIN
and is Sysop configurable for users
total fights, robberies, blackjack hands
and visits.  Do you have what it takes
to be the Top Gang Leader?  Now supports

GEN10.ZIP (137K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Genius I version 1.0  Genius I, a
Multi-Node / Multi-User ANSI BBS door game,
has been described as "...the mother of all
trivia games" for good reason. Genius I will
offer players a challenge on a level
completely different than that found in any
other door trivia game currently in use
today! Because Genius I is not tailored to
one specific topic or subject, but is instead
very diverse (in covering six categories),
players themselves must possess an overall
knowledge of the six categories to advance

GRUNT140.ZIP (405K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

and secret places. Wander a 400+ room town
with doors, portals, gates and more!
Interact with your surroundings and other
players! Contains rings, wands, potions,
scrolls and spells, player classes & more!
Fully multi-player including Novell 3.+,
Lan 4.+, DV, Win 3.+ & Win '95 AND
"BBS_DOOR" configurable! Not crippled!

HILO16.ZIP (125K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

HI-LO      -     Door Game         v1.6     .
**   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
A fast-paced card game whereby the player has
to guess whether the card from the deck is
HIGH or LOWER than one of the cards on the
triangular board. Makeup games missed during
the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame.
Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs Non-Standard
Com ports! NOW send/receive messages from
other players!! ***** INTER-BBS capable *****


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

American History Trivia v2.2 Update!!!
A BBS door program based on the history of
North America. Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics,
COM1-4, IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC!
Environment variables.  Also creates full
color buletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB
special color codes.  Locked DTE rates to
115200.  Another quality door from PAROLE
Software and Dennis Maidon.

HONOR110.ZIP (177K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Falcon's Honor (FH) v1.1
Interactive  Fantasy
Role-Playing Adventure
By the BRE and FE People


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

******Hottest Doors v1.50********
This is a Hottest Doors Tracker
for ProBoard 2.xx.
It will make a Sysop configured
ansi and ascii file showing you
doors and there usage.
Easy to install. Has own install
From Kenneth Danner, AKA Palace
-=-=-=≡Palace SoftWares≡=-=-=-=-


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

IGMCHET8.ZIP 9/13/96
This is the 8th update of the IGM CHEAT
FILE. There are many new CHEATS, from
old and new IGM'S. New info on how to
handle negative gold to get 2 billion
instead of $100.! Also a new feature
is added. RUMORS! Let's dispel them,
or get them verified!!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

IGM Switch for LORD Now you can add an
interesting new twist to your LORD game.
Install up to 100 IGM's on your BBS system.

ILORD105.ZIP (343K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Inter-LORD 1.05 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD by
G.A.C. Computer Services provides an easy to
use Inter-BBS option for LORD.  It has many
advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP,
lots of user interaction, and solid game
play.  Supports up to 256 BBSs and thousands
of players without the need for extended or
expanded memory.  Compatible with The Realm
of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs, can be run
independently and works with MAJOR BBS.

IRCDO143.ZIP (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Ircdoor/2 V1.43 - 32-bit Irc BBS Door For
OS/2. Provides Internet Relay Chat Access
From Your BBS. Fast and Small 32-Bit Code

JKB99D.ZIP (82K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Jedi Knights BBS Online Game Ver.99D BETA.
This Game is a RPG Door Based on StarWars
Please Read the Whats.New File and Readme.1st
Docs before installing. Many bug fixes in thi
new Version.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Juancho's Paradise v1.7
An IGM for Seth Ables L.O.R.D.
You can visit Juancho's Forest
many other places... a must for LORD

JUM50.ZIP (140K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Jumbles 5.0 is the latest ANSI online BBS
Door game from shareware author Steven Lucey
& The Power Board BBS. Jumbles presents your
users with 4 scrambled words for them to
unscramble. Scores are updated immediately
and displayed for users to see as they make
their plays. If users correctly unscramble
all 4 words, they are given a chance at the
'Bonus Round' and a shot at the big point
values! All jumbles are automatically changed
on the first call each day. Player scores are
rolled-over to the following days and an ANSI

JUNK102.ZIP (133K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

The Junk Shuttle XPort for Galaxy 5 v1.02
██████ ▀ ███ ▀ ███████████ █ ███ ████████
██████ ▀ ███ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ ██▀ ████████
██████ █ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █ ███ ████████
██████ █ ███ █ ███ █ █ ███ █ ███ ████████
██████ █ ███ █ ███ █ ▀████ █ ███ ████████
█▀▀▀██ ▀ ▀██ ▀ ▀██ ▀   ██▀ ▀ ██▀ ▀███▀▀▀█
▀ S ▀▀  H ▀▀  U ▀▀  T  ▀▀ T  ▀▀ L ▀▀▀ E ▀
13th Dimension Graffix and Software
Latest Release/Upgrade for 7/1/1996

KING821.ZIP (281K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

King of the Board Version 8.21
The most popular Trivia game
for BBS Systems.
Supports Fossil Drivers
Non-Standard IRQ's
Supports ALL Major BBS's
Now menu Driven!
Now with First Intial & Last name
This is the complete package
Read the !KING.NEW for changes
Supported since 1987!
Corrected handling of LONG last names


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

KSP FTP v3.0 - A BBS Door Program.
Lets callers download files from
remote ftp sites!  Internal support
for X/Y/Zmodem eliminates need for
temporary disk space on BBS; external
protocols may be added with limits
on their use of BBS disk space for
intermediate file storage.  BBS must
be connected to the Internet. Works
with any BBS that supports DOOR.SYS.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

KSP-Mail  (vers 3.2)  A Multi-Threaded Server
for   ESMTP   Mail   and  NNTP  Usenet  news.
Replaces  UUCP  and its monthly fees! No more
unwanted  newsgroups!  Instant  mail  without
waiting  for scheduled events! Works with any
BBS   software   that  presently  uses  UUCP.
Requires a 24hr TCP/IP Internet connection.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

KSP SLIP v3.6 - A BBS Door Program.
Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
the Internet via a serial SLIP link!
Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
etc! BBS must be connected to Internet;
Callers need SLIP software; Replaces
KA9QDOOR and is simpler to install.

LANDF100.ZIP (54K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

■ Landfill V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM ■
Add an exciting way for your players
to earn money - work at the landfill!
Freeware by the creators of TEOS.
Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.

LBBT100.ZIP (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Barton's Battle Training: A great IGM (In
Game Module) for LORD 3.26


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Legend of the Red Dragon IGM Cheat Sheet v1.0

LORDF100.ZIP (94K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

LORD Fix V1.0 by G.A.C. Computer Services
is an IGM utility that fixes a problem with
many LORD IGMs running on Major BBS Systems.
LORD Fix allows most IGMs that will only work
locally, to work correctly remotely.  LORD
Fix is placed in the LORD directory and
modifies the files read by the IGMs to allow
them to work correctly.  LORD Fix is
shareware, but it is free to anyone who
registers Vanadia's Arena of Warriors.

LOTTO10.ZIP (203K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Lotto Logic.  BBS door that does
permutations and combinations on
lotto 6/xx tickets.  Should
considerably improve chances of
winning.  Supports many drop files
including door.sys and dorinfox.
Multi-node capable.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

┌   The Mega Buck$ Lottery    ┐
│         Version 1.2         │
│       An IGM for LORD       │
│  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  │
│     Come on down to the     │
│  booth and get your ticket  │
│ to the hottest draw in town │
│  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  │
└  ■ illusion software '96 ■  ┘

LUAU111.ZIP (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

L.O.R.D. User Access Utility v1.11 (LUAU)
LUAU is a utility that limits the play of
L.O.R.D. by non-subscribing users to the
BBS to the unregistered version of L.O.R.D.
Subcribers or donators play the registered
version.  Simply enter a value for the
security code above which can play the
registered version.

LUCKY103.ZIP (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

Lucky Star Casino Ship 1.03 Star Dock Loco
IGM by G.A.C. Computer Services.
There are many things to do on this luxurious
ship including playing poker, playing keno,
betting on the alien bloodsport tournament,
playing Red Dog, playing chuck-a-luck and
writing on a wall.  All of the games are
ANSI animated and RIP users get to click
their way through the ship.  Shareware $5.00

MEL_350.ZIP (455K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

-- MELEE v3.50 Official Public Release! --
This ansi door is the most in-depth
gladiatorial combat role-playing
game available for multi-player BBS
use. Enter the guild and build your
skills, equipment, stats, and
knowledge toward the goal of becoming
the top Warrior in the country!
Warriors can be imported and exported
from other BBS's and to the World
MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
International Tournaments.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

MATCH MAKER II    -   DOOR   - v5.4        *
**  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
Allows for the matching of callers with like
interests, up to 100 questions, DESIRED
(configurable), sending/receiving of private
messages, ATTACH PICTURES to user profiles!!
answers! Multiple answers per question!!
Exchange of user and msg bases with other
BBS'. Use supplied program to MODIFY TEXT!
Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, etc


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

MovieTime Trivia v4.2 No Expiration
A BBS door program relating to trivia
questions about the movie industry.
Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
RIPSCRIP interface.  Registered SysOps may
download a utility to add questions to the

MSRCH11.ZIP (114K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:30 pm

_____** MULTISEARCH TEXT DOOR V1.1 **_____
Set  up security specific text files or ANSI
graphics for viewing, searching, or
downloading!  Multiple document categories,
highlighted search results, Boolean search
algorithm. Great for docs, logs, etc. Search
across multiple files. Page forward,
backward.  Detects carrier loss, has sysop
chat mode, multinode support, color
configuration, lots of other features.
Supports many different drop file types.
Great graphics and easy setup. (DSZ, GSZ, or
FDSZ required for  downloading.) V1.1 fixes