Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] Add your own Smart Icons to Ami Pro.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Bookbild 1.01 Shareware Pamphlet Publisher
| WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows. Converts two
| cross booklet into a camera ready document!
| $10.00 registration. A SciTrans Product.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Copy screens direct into Word Perfect
| document


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  DocuPower Pro 2.2 - W4W Document Management
| Super-charge WinWord 2.x & new WinWord 6.x
| Smash the 8 character file name barrier!
| Give documents long, descriptive names.
| OPEN, INSERT, PRINT or FAX your documents
| by pointing & clicking on descriptions.
| Use FILE FIND and TEXT SEARCH to recover
| your "missing" documents. Plus integrated
| FILE MANAGEMENT utilities. A Shareware
| Magazine Editor's Choice Award Winner
| (9/93) Never misplace a file again!

DP21.ZIP (399K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  DocuPower Pro 2.1 - W4W Document Management
| Smash DOS's 8-character filename barrier as
| you give your documents long,more descriptive
| filenames. Open,Merge,Print & Fax your docum-
| ents by Pointing & Clicking on their descrip-
| tions. File Find,Text Search,File Management,
| all seamlessly integrated within Word for
| Windows. " have to check this program
| out!" - a Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice
| Award Winner!

DP29.ZIP (401K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  DocuPower Pro 2.9 - W4W Document Management
| Smash the 8 character file name barrier!
| Give WinWord docs LONG, descriptive names.
| Integrated ADDRESS BOOK, FIND FILE, much more
| Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice Award 9/93


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  DocuPower Pro 2.9/w2 - Document Management
| (WinWord 2.x compatibility installation kit)
| Smash the 8 character file name barrier!
| Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice Award 9/93


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Word processing program; WordPerfect
| compatible. Been in use for 17 years!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  EZ-DEX v1.2 ASP - Automatically types names
| and addresses into running word processors,
| or other text oriented programs, upon user
| command. EZ-DEX also prints labels and
| envelopes directly and dials phone numbers.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  FAstFax 3.0 for WinFax PRO 3 & WinWord 6.
| FAstFax scans your document, finds the
| recipient's name and fax number, and (using
| DDE) automatically passes this information
| over to WinFax PRO--so you no longer have to
| enter and maintain TWO separate phonebooks.
| Thumbnail Page Preview and Automatic Page
| Range Settings. SHAREWARE ($20)

FW30W2.ZIP (218K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Fileware 3.0/W2 - Hot WinWord 2.x Tools
| The features Microsoft "forgot" to include!

FW30W6.ZIP (193K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Fileware 3.0/W6 - Hot WinWord 6.x Tools
| The features Microsoft "forgot" to include!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.0/Win 
| Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0
| and 5.2/Windows. New in 3.0: WPWin 6.0
| support,CD-ROM Support,directory searching.
| Reads all graphics formats supported by Word-
| Perfect,and sets up images in as a printed
| index. User may select num of columns, image
| height, page title,DOS file masks,and direct-
| ory to search. Reg $20. A SciTrans Product.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.01/Win 
| Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.0
| and 5.2/Windows. New in 3.0: WPWin 6.0
| support, CD-ROM Support, directory searching.
| Reads all graphics formats supported by
| WORDPERFECT, and sets up index. $20 reg.  24


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Grammar Online! - is a 116k TSR grammar aid
| which can be used with most word processing
| programs as a pop-up menu. It will provide
| assistance on the proper use of commas,
| punctuation, sentence structure, etc.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  HELLLP! v2.1 ASP Windows Help File Author aid
| for Word for Windows 2.0c, 6.0 or better.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  MergeFax allows you to mail-merge group fax
| hundreds of PERSONALIZED faxes with Word for
| Windows 6.0 and WinFax PRO 3.0 (and WinFax
| PRO for Networks)--all with one simple
| keystroke.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  PBScan 2.0 for WordPerfect 6.0a and
| Intel SatisFAXtion(TM) fax modem.
| Utility for automatic updating of
| the INTELFAX.DAT file. Scans *.PB
| files, adds new phonebooks, and
| removes any non-existing ones.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] ProStyle 1.0 resume maker for Ami Pro.

TFAX11.ZIP (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  TSS Fax 1.1 - FREEWARE WinWord Fax Macro
| The easiest way to have your fax-modem
| send faxes from Word for Windows!
| Automate the tedious task of faxing
| inside WinWord - now one click can do
| it all. Simple to set up and simple to
| use, regardless of your fax-modem,
| fax software, or printer. Freeware from
| Total System Solutions, Inc. Call us at
| 800-814-2300 or 718-375-2997 for more.

VIEW91.ZIP (57K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  VIEW 9.1 - the FILE VIEWER for WordPerfect
| 5.0-6.0, Word 4-5, WinWord 1-6, Win Write,
| Ami Pro, Wordstar, ASCII. Direct link to 2COL


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  VIEW 9.2a - file viewer for WordPerfect,
| Word, Write, Ami Pro, Wordstar and ASCII.
| Various print and text search functions.
| Customizable.  dir 50

WCLIP11.ZIP (158K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Wood Clips Sampler 1 Graphics ASP Version 1.1
| Files for WordPerfect.  Free register.

WF_V31A.ZIP (295K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

| V31A.ZIP file 1 of 3 Industrial strength word
| processor. Multiple file editing, pull down
| menus, macros, context sensitive help,
| tables, columns, newspaper columns,
| footnotes, endnotes, table of contents,
| indexes, laser printers, postscript, spell
| checker, mail merge. Last Updated 15 Jan 94.
| Registration requested.

WFW60ADM.ZIP (1,310K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] Auto demo for Microsoft Word for Windows V6.0


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  WordPerfect Teacher & Student system
| Uses DataPerfect (DP.EXE or DPT.EXE)
| Database program for teachers to create
| and track tests. Req: DataPerfect.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

| files w/BASIC source code and text info. 24


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  WordInfo is a Word for Windows 6.0 add-in
| which contains tools designed to give you an
| alternate interface for customizing menus and
| toolbars, as well as providing information on
| current assignments; 01/27/94; Gerald Henson.