Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Utilities to add/remove tab characters and
| leading spaces from ASCII text files. Also
| split files into smaller files. FREE.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] Asciicht exe that Makes a file w/ASCII chart

AUROR120.ZIP (403K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Aurora v1.20   Advanced high performance text
| editor with superb windowing ,mouse support,
| 1 Gig virtual memeory using XMS/EMS/disk, an
| object oriented macro language, etc..


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Bigtext 2.4 (Kevin Solway; $30) can
| turn BIG text files (up to 700k or
| more) into single, self-contained,
| self-displaying executable files that
| will fit on a 360k disk and are capable
| of displaying full color illustrations
| in the body of the text. Great for
| self-displaying books, manuals,
| documents, and catalogues. Complete
| with menus, printing and fast text
| search.  You can even execute other
| programs from the text of your
| electronic books.  BigText comes with a
| text paint program and a TSR screen

BIT10.ZIP (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Filter converts high-ascii characters to
| 7-bit ascii. Useful for posting material to
| Internet or Usenet, since many of the Net
| machines can't handle the PC graphics
| characters. C source included.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) 
| This control is a list box with bitmaps. The
| bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text
| (top,bottom,right,left).


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  BOXER Text Editor v6.0a - Top Rated!   
| Includes 75 New Features & Options: Point &
| Click mouse support in menus, locate differ-
| ences automatically in similar files, greatly
| enhanced keyboard RECONFIG utility, Replace
| Again, improved File Menu & much, much more.
| Still: Color Syntax Highlighting, Undo/Redo,
| multi-files & windows, mouse support, column
| marking, WP, macros, S&R, compilation, more!
|  Shareware $35-50 from David R. Hamel


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Cap2Text - Capture displayed screens to ASCII
| or extended ASCII disk file. Simple
| background operation - using 3k. Of memory.

CE318A.ZIP (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  CMEditor File Text Editor v3.18a  --
| Small, handy text editor loaded with
| features. Edit or view large files. Mark
| blocks of lines for copy, move, delete,
| export, print. Search/replace string
| operators, modest mouse support.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Clean List - deletes duplicate lines
| from a sorted text file.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Strips out nulls from text/ascii files
| Especially useful for PeachText print
| to disk files


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Create self-display .COM program from any
| text file. Author supported. Shareware.

DOCL11.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Document Cleaner 1.1. Converts text files to
| a format that can be viewed on screen, dumped
| to printer, or loaded into HyperRead
| Generator for conversion to hypertext. dir 25


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Freeware utility to convert text files
| to executables.

FPALN102.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  FPALN, v1.02: DOS utility: text file page &
| line counter. Freeware, (c) 1994 [94/01/24]
| by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source. New:
| DOS wildcards, longer pages.

FR21.ZIP (94K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  FRANK'S READER V21 10 Feb 94 new concept in
| the management of text files. It identifies
| and manipulates chunks (modules) of
| information instead of just lines. Good for
| ZIP-CONTENTS, SOFTWARE, and you name it!.
| Fully Functional Shareware


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  GDSPELL from GDSOFT v1.7a (c) 1994 This great
| text file spelling checker includes a VERY
| FAST ram dictionary for quick lookup of about
| 10000 common words, and a disk based
| dictionary of another 50000 less common
| words. Also allows you to build you own AUXI
| dictionary of words you commonly use. MUCH


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Haplink V 2.0 -Linked text. Program menus.
| -Create "smart" documents from text files.
| -Mouse ready. You can edit the text.
| -Paint screens to create links.

HEBED12.ZIP (140K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Hebrew Edit v1.2 ASP - Hebrew text editor
| that supports Hebrew vowels (Nikud), script
| and block letters. Prints beautiful large
| characters on LaserJet, DeskJet and Dot
| Matrix printers. Requires VGA or EGA.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  HyperRead hypertext Generator version 5.1.
| Allows you to convert ordinary ASCII text
| files to hypertext files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  HyperSee - displays in a hypertext format,
| ASCII text files created with any text editor
| or word processor which will save in straight


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  JSPick - checks ASCII files, such as
| those exported from mailing list
| programs, for duplicate entries.

JSPL202C.ZIP (230K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Jspell 2.02c, ASCII file spell checker
| Release date: Jan.12, 1994 Features: Mouse
| support, Undo up to 400 steps, Dictionary
| manager, Multiple user dictionaries,
| Network support, Foreign character support,
| Versatile and user configurable TeX-ability,
| On-line help. Shareware $12.5/$27 shipping.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  JUSTIFY -- A text justification program to
| reformat ASCII text files. FREE. With 'C'
| Source code.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  KEYSAVER v1.1 ASP - Provides a means of
| automatically typing boiler plate text at
| will. Saves repetitive typing, and avoids
| misspelled words and other typos.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  LIST MAKER is a simple program to make lists
| for any purpose. Features include rearranging
| items, sorting, text search, print, save/load
| lists to/from disk; and more.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Margarine v3.2 Text file formatting utility!
| Automatically adds margins, pagination, etc.,
| to ASCII text files. Control left, top, and
| bottom margins; print page numbers; multiple
| options for handling embedded form feed
| characters; convert "high" ASCII characters
| to printable characters; more. Menu driven
| interface or command line operation. Handy
| for printing shareware documentation.

MULCO311.ZIP (67K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  MULTICOL.EXE:  Program creates multiple
| column listings from straight ASCII text,
| ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files.  Also
| does subtotalling.

NE.ZIP (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  New Freeware Editor from GDSOFT v2.0
| from the makers of GDSPELL Spelling Checker


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  NEWFIND is a FREE Utility for those who want
| to locate a word in an ASCII text file and,
| if found, know what line number it's on.
| FREEWARE by Jude Simon.

PAR240.ZIP (125K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Import/Export data between different programs
| with Parse-O-Matic. Convert reports from one
| program into a format useful to another.
| Save money: avoid costly custom programming.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  PASCII v1.4: prepares an ASCII file for
| printing; supports header/footer, pagination,
| file-name, time/date of printing, time/ date
| of file, one/two-sided printing, and more

PGNAT101.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  PAGINATE v1.01- Free DOS utility: text file
| paginator. (c) 1993 [10/22/93] by David
| Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware. PAGINATE
| prepares text files for printing by placing
| formfeed page breaks (ASCII 12), at user
| specified intervals. W/ Pascal source.

RCNTX323.ZIP (219K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  RACONTEX v3.23 
| Text search and retrieval system that rivals
| FolioViews, AskSam, Zyindex and the STAIRS
| mainframe product. Includes Word Proximity
| Search feature.  Useful for legal
| transcript, statutes, manuals.  Ideal for
| on-line manuals for software.  Runs well
| over a LAN. DOS and Windows 3.x.

READ401.ZIP (270K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  READ.EXE:  Simplified version of a file
| browser.  Only works with files of 16,000
| lines or less (maybe 800,000 bytes).
| Includes program to make any text file
| self-viewing and initializer program.

READ_204.ZIP (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] READ v2.04 - Text File Browser ala List.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Sear - looks for a string in a file or
| files. It is written to replace or
| supplement GREP.COM. SEAR can also
| search non-text files, displaying the
| results on one line and replacing
| non-printable characters with dots.

SEDIT011.ZIP (108K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  The Southwest Editor by Southwest Software.
| Full featured text editor for DOS. $5 reg
| (No relation to SEDIT by Jim Smith)

SHERL270.ZIP (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  SHERLOCK.EXE v2.70  - A dual window
| ASCII text file comparison utility that
| compares two ASCII files line by line.
| Contains features for searching, ignoring
| case & spaces, jumping around the files,
| synchronizing the files, and copying lines
| to a printer. SHERLOCK is designed as a tool
| for programmers and writers. It is best on
| files like program source files, CONFIG.SYS,
| AUTOEXEC.BAT, and text documents.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  SLEEK V4.0  File reformatter/word wrap.
| Sleek will remove all EOLS within paragraphs
| ( CR/LF ) Also gives you the option to word-
| wrap from the 10th-60000th column.
| Great for wysiwyg WWs and DTP.
|  Shareware. Command line driven.
| Register Sleek on Cis. Go SWREG, ID: 814
| Featured in Compute's 7-93 mag/PC disk.
| *NEW* delete leading space option.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Slick Pro EDitor v2.0: basic ASCII text
| editor, ideal for those small, quick jobs,
| like autoexec/config mods, new batch files


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  STRING SEARCH(R) 2.0 Text file string
| extractor. Predecessor of SS 1.10. New ver.
| Is faster and don't have the stupid music.
| Good for FIDO-NET hubs and nodes w/points. 4


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  STRPLINE (v1.12)
| This program is designed to read an
| input text file and strip out all lines
| beginning with one of a series of
| patterns given in a configuration file.
| Includes full 'C' source code.

STXT120.ZIP (91K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  SAVETEXT v1.20 - Text file browser with a
| twist: Lines within file can be selected &
| saved to another file;  Great for browsing
| BBS "allfiles" and such.  Includes case
| flexible search, auto-resume, variable tab
| expansion, incremental save, pop-up help,
| 25/43/50 lines & more.  Loads over 16K line
| files (up to over 1 MB) Reg.- $15 suggested.
| Also includes INHALF text file splitter
| utility for viewing LARGE text files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  TEXPLORE  3.4   Text retrieval system.
| Finds a word or word combination in a
| collection of text files very quickly.
| "Hits" can be viewed, printed or filed.
| Various alphabets. Customisable.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  The 1.5: Cms/Xedit Lookalike Editor - Source
| Code. The is A Full-Screen Character Mode
| Text Editor Based on The Vm/Cms Editor Xedit
| And Some Features of Kedit For DOS Written by
| Mansfield Software.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] TextView


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  PD util converts txt file txt to CAPS, C
| source


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Txt2Exe v1.1: creates a self-displaying EXE
| from your ASCII text file


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  TXTREAD3.EXE is a TSR which is used to read
| and search text files on ANY drive while  _
| running another program! Requires 400k free
| on drive C: It takes only 4k ram. Handy. DOS

VDE172.ZIP (138K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  VIDEO DISPLAY EDITOR  (Version 1.72)
| VDE is a small, fast, powerful text editor
| and word processor with easy menu-driven
| operation, multiple files, windows, cut and
| paste, block copy, and many other features.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

0] TSR to pop up any text file for view

WAZTV101.ZIP (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  WAZTVIEW  V1.01  -  An ASCII text file viewer
| designed for viewing BBS Master File Listings
| at your convenience off-line.  Search, Scroll
| & Mark blocks of text which can be written to
| another file or printer.  Can also be used to
| extract text from large (un-editable) files.
| Written exclusively for The White Zone BBS
| From WazWare(c) 1994 - Freeware!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  XEOFF Version 1, 10 December 93 ...........
| A little utility program to remove EOF
| (CNTL-Z) and FF (CNTL-L) from text files.

XNOT16.ZIP (393K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:27 pm

[0]  Small emacs text editor. For DOS, WInDOWS, NT
| etc.  "Not GNU"
| freeware