Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Autodiz will search directory lists
| downloaded or captured, and add file_id.diz
| files to all your files


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  COLFILE Freeware utility to randomly
| add ansi colors to a file.

DELEX129.ZIP (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DelEx 1.29 allows deleting all files
| except the patterns that you specify.
| DelEx will handle ten patterns at once.
| Delex also erases hidden and read-only
| files. Delex will also keep logs of
| its file deletions. All deletions are
| recoverable via the DOS undelete
| command. A quiet mode is also included
| for batch opperations.
| Registration is only $6.00. SDN


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Wipe Out Files Without A Trace. This Small
| Utility Will Prevent The Possibility of
| Deleted Files to be Undeleted. use w/caution


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Generates and checks digital
| "signatures" for files to ensure
| integrity.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Dizedit v4.9F Fast and easy DIZ File Editor
| Simply the best....maybe.

EXV20.ZIP (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  --<< The Ultimate File Viewer >>--
| EXView 2.0 ! Update!!
| SEE the structure of MODS / DEMOS ....
| 320x400 support on all VGAcards


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EZView v5.3 - Use a sortable file selection
| menu to choose a file from any drive or
| archive and view it in text or hex format.
| Search for text, print any part of a file,
| invoke an editor, choose screen colors and
| more. Includes mouse and EMS support, and
| supports ZIP, LZH, ARC, ARJ, PAK and ZOO.

FB310.ZIP (235K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  FileBUDDY v3.10  - A simple but unique
| file viewer that lets you view and
| manipulate ASCII, DBF, ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK,
| TIF files. Archive support includes
| archiving, extracting, and deleting files.
| Image support includes processing, cropping,
| saving across formats, "slide-show" viewing,
| and printing to HP LaserJet/DeskJet, Epson
| 24-pin dot-matrix, or compatible printers.

FDE101.ZIP (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  File Description Editor - Ver 1.01 - 4DOS
| compatible.  Editor for file descriptions
| up to 200 characters long.  Full featured.
| 4DOS is NOT required. Shareware, only $10


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  THE FILE ANALYST - Analyzer & Reformatter. 20
| menu functions identify, reformat, dump
| (hex/char), manipulate, and split, any file.
| Works with ASCII, EBCDIC, xBase, binary, text
| or any unknown data structure. Creates
| uniform fields & records.

FILED361.ZIP (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  FILEDUMP v3.61: File, Record, Dump,
| Viewer, Search, and Extract utility.
| Allows viewing any MS-DOS file in ASCII,
| HEX or EBCDIC, output is to screen,
| printer, or disk file. Handles large
| files (up to 1 GB).


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] FINDIT v1.4 Very Fast "Find a File" DOS util


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  FLEXX v1.0 Data File Compare Utility
| Allows maximum flexibility to the tedious
| task of data file compares.  Especially
| helpful during conversions.  Evaluates data
| within multiple areas of each file and has
| the ability to perform synchronized compares
| to identify added or deleted records.
| Produces a printed report for added
| assistance during file assessment.

FR.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Universal Find & Replace Utility 1.0
| (Softechnics; $14) can do search and
| replace and make other changes to more
| than 1 file at a time. It works with
| any file format (.EXE .COM .DLL .DOC
| .BMP .TIF etc.) and any file size.

FS111.ZIP (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  File Selector 1.01 (Tomohumi Kodama;
| $35) is a file/directory manager and DOS
| menu. Copy, move, delete, rename files
| and directories; make archives or
| extract files; find files in a whole
| disk/drive, and view or delete them, or
| change directory where the files are;
| execute a COM, EXE, or BAT file in child
| process; and more. English and Japanese
| modes included. Tomohumi Kodama; $35


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  File Time Compare. Compares files by
| date and time. Reports status to
| screen and errorlevel. Useful in batch
| file programming.
| USE: FTC  

HF11.ZIP (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Hard Find - Find any file on your hard
| drive quickly.  Hard Find will search
| all drives except floppies, this
| includes CDROM drives.  You can use
| wildcards to search for files and port
| it out to a text file if you wish.  HF
| can run from you dos path so using it is
| just a command away.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  InnerView File Management System Very fast
| file utility, professionally done -
| definitely worth downloading! Hex file read,
| zip shell, file splitter 2-on-1 page laser
| printer, much more.

JFF20D.ZIP (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  JASON'S FILE FINDER v2.0d  - Powerful,
| fast, and easy-to-use DOS file finder. JFF
| will search for multiple filespecs, and
| accepts standard DOS wildcards. JFF will
| search across multiple drives (either
| specific drives or a range of drives), and
| will also search specified directories. JFF
| can optionally execute a DOS command on found
| files, and can calculate byte counts for
| found files. Pub by: RMH Computer Services.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  JS-FCopy - simplifies the task of
| finding and making copys of files.
| JS-FCopy will search for files by
| extension or file name on one or more
| drives and copy them to a specified
| destination.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  JS-FDel - simplifies the task of
| finding and deleteing of files. JS-FDEL
| can search for files by extension or
| file name on one or more drives at a
| time and delete them with or without
| prompting you with each discovery.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  JSDDUPER 3.0
| (Johnathan Mark Smith; $10) will read
| a data files and make a new file without
| any duplicate records on it.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Vernon Buerg's ASCII/binary file LISTer v9.0h
| w/multi-file review, mark/dump text, printing
| phone dialer, scrollable windows, list & view
| files within archives, file manipulation util
| FV and ARCE utilities also included. 03/02/94
| ShareWare vrsn doesn't support network drives


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  LOCATE 1.0 (Terry Crandall; $0)
| visits directories on your disk(s),
| selects files matching given criteria,
| and optionally reports them or runs DOS
| commands with them as their arguments.
| Includes C source code.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  McFilemaster - is a shell for DOS that
| gives the user greater control over the
| files residing on their PC by allowing
| searches, copying and deleting based on
| certain attribute and time
| characteristics.

MERGE213.ZIP (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  MERGEFILE v2.13 - merges two sorted files;
| options: order, select multiple merge keys,
| case sensitivity, remove duplicates, error
| checking & more (2/20/94), includes Public
| Domain v1.13 with Pascal source code


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  OrBit Editor v1.0  - Binary file editor.
| The OrBit Editor allows editing of files in
| hex,decimal,and ASCII. The editor's modern
| interface supports keyboard and mouse input,
| supports 43/50 line mode,and can edit files
| of any size. Fast search feature allows hex,
| decimal,or ASCII criteria. This editor is
| very fast and small (34K) and is extremely
| easy to use. Shareware by OrBit Software.
| Registration $25.00 ($30.00 outside US).


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PUT_INTO. Merges one file into another
| file between two user specified
| markers. When the markers are not
| found the file is appended (with new
| generated markers) to the file.
| Contents between the markers can
| easily be refreshed. Very flexible!.

RDUP102.ZIP (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  RDUP v1.02- Free DOS utility: delete
| duplicate lines across multiple files. (c)
| 1993 [10/26/93] by David Daniel Anderson -
| Reign Ware. RDUP requires a SORT program
| ( is free). W/ Pascal source.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  REDATE!- Free DOS utility: file redater
| v1.10a, 09/09/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
| Anderson - Reign Ware. REDATE! alters the
| date/ time stamp of files. W/ PASCAL source.
| New: single field & century support, secs.
| field is optional.

RFILE118.ZIP (71K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

| Pie charts of File Size- Shows relative file
| size of all files in the selected directory
| in a Pie chart.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SNOOPY 3.6 - A simple easy-to-use free
| utility that allows user to read imbedded
| FILE ID.DIZ files in files compressed with
| ZIP, LHA, and ARJ. Supports wildcards and ?.1


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SPLIT.EXE v 6.0h (c) 1985, 1994. Cuts large
| files into small ones, then compares CRC to
| original during rebuild. SHELL to DOS: format
| Split by: (1) Bytes, (2) Files, (3) Lines per
| file, (4) Manually from mid-source. Handy!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SPLITFIL   Freeware Utility to split
| a large file into smaller ones.

STOW223.ZIP (225K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Stowaway from Patriquin! A true archival
| system for the PC which frees hard disk space
| by moving old or inactive files to floppy dis
| Stowaway features data compression, auto disk
| formatting, and EASY restore! Version 2.23


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  This program will locate unwanted files
| on your hard drive. It will also delete
| them at the user's discretion. Includes
| a capture utility that will capture an
| image of ALL  your current files and
| record them. When the SWEEPER program is
| run, it will compare the current files
| on your HD with the stored image and
| will remove them if so desired.

TCPY202.ZIP (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TurboCopy v2.02: Multi-Volume Transfer
| Utility. This is just like Xcopy, only
| faster.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TOUCH. 'touches' a file's
| time stamp. Creates file when
| needed.
| USE: Touch .


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] TTFPurge - removes extraneous TTF files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Vdel v2.0A: will delete with verification,
| files that match your filename specification;

VMAN100.ZIP (101K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  VIEW_MAN v1.00 r01/01/94 MicroMetric :
| Viewing, editing and printing a selected
| file in both Hex and ASCII. Search. Print.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Wipe file utility. Use w/care. v1.0b

WIZ28A.ZIP (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder.
| Can qualify files by size, date, executable/
| archive. Works on Novell, Lantastic.
| 5 times faster than any other whereis!

WRSIT189.ZIP (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║           WHERE - IS - IT?           ║
| ║       Fast File Finder Utility       ║
| ║            Version  1.89             ║
| ║                                      ║
| ║ Search by filespec, directory, path, ║
| ║ drive, etc. Many options also. Scan  ║
| ║ for different compressed files. New  ║
| ║ output option : filenames + path only║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  │─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│
| ─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─
| ·WHERE'S·v1.00ß1····09/10/93·
| ─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─═─
| The  ultimate   file  finding
| program!  Faster than WHEREIS
| and an easier method for file
| specification. Forget Soundex
| this uses Metaphones.  Simply
| sound it out,  a  7  year old
| could use this.   Try it out!
| ─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─
| │─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│
| ─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─│─

WTL100.ZIP (200K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  * WazTree Lite V1.00 File Manager Utility *
| File manager, Copy, Move, Delete, Decompress
| Compress, View (ZIP, LZH, TEXT), Edit, Menu
| to run other programs, Print text, Search,
| Ega/Vga, Mouse, Configure, User guide, Online
| help & More...   ──══< WazWare (c) >══──


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Accepts a DIR listing as input, and produces
| a zero-byte-length file for each filename it
| finds. File date and time of the 0-byte file
| are the same as the original file. Quick and
| easy.

ZCPY16.ZIP (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Small, fast replacement for XCOPY.

ZERO_430.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Make one or more quick zero length  files.
| Supports destination directory, read only.