Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  The easy way to view, create or add to your
| dos system files, autoexec.bat an config.sys
| great for the novices and pros alike.

ACDC120.ZIP (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Audio Compact Disc Controller v1.20  A
| resident audio CD player for dos.  With full
| background control, you can play your
| favorite tracks while running almost any
| other program.

ACMS11.ZIP (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  AUTOCMS V1.1a reads search dumps from
| Colorado's TAPE.EXE program and creates
| ASCII delimited files suitable for im-
| portation to most databases.  Process
| entire tape in one execution; captures
| file paths; multi-vol/multi-tape oper-
| ation & more!  Shareware, $0-$5 Reg.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Keep a log of what happens on your computer.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  *************** ALERT 1.0 **************
| A combination "burglar alarm" and screen
| saver,  this highly unusual program con-
| tinuously flashes  "INTRUDER ALERT"  and
| "CALLING POLICE"  messages,   while also
| producing sounds simulating a  telephone
| being dialed.     The message locations,
| and text and background colors change to
| avoid screen burnout.    Requires 286 or
| better and VGA.  Use the program freely,

AMOS101.ZIP (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ┌───────────·  A·M·O·S v1.01  ·────────────┐
| │  AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2 users!   │
| │  It gives easy access to HPFS-formatted  │
| │  drives from native DOS. It will read,   │
| │  write, copy, edit, del, md, rd, type,   │
| │  and much, much more... No need for an   │
| │  OS/2 Service installation anymore!!     │
| └───· Release date: 02nd December 1993 ·───┘
| A -=> You wish to install a patch for OS/2.
| M -=> You have made an error in OS/2's
| O     CONFIG.SYS... No more "Please correct

ASK11C.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ASK v1.1c, ask questions in batch files, get
| one-char resp. W/optional timeout. w/TASM src

ASK_15.ZIP (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  This program lets you decide
| if you want to run a program
| when you boot your computer.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] freeware util displays ASCII table

ATTR100.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ATTR is a utility designed to replace the DOS
| ATTRIB command. You get all of the features
| of ATTRIB plus the ability to have more than
| one filename on the same command line, MORE!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  AutoChek v.2.5 will automatically run the
| program of your choice at the daily interval
| you specify. No more problems remembering
| when it's time to run your virus scanner,
| perform routine disk maintenance, or back-up
| your files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Display time, day-date, version of DOS in
| your computer, colors your monitor, more.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  AutoScript version 2.0 TSR which "records"
| keystrokes and "plays" scripts in background.
| Ideal for making DEMOS of apps, AUTO SOFTWARE


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  A few helpful utilities that DOS should have
| included.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Bin2Hunk V2.0 - Create a linkable hunk from
| any file.

BLK213.ZIP (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  BootLock 2.13  09/06/93
| BootLock allows you to lock out the use of
| [CTRL][ALT][DEL], [CTRL]C, and/or
| [CTRL][BREAK]. New version can be loaded
| as a Device Driver or TSR.  You can also
| define a "user defined" key to lock out.
| BootLock can be unloaded and Loaded into Hi
| Memory.  Shareware registration form and
| manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
| (ASP).

BOOT202.ZIP (208K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  BOOT.SYS v2.02  - The heavy-duty config
| manager. Gives you one or more menus out of
| CONFIG.SYS, similar to DOS6. Adds pretty
| menu, if/then/else, use of variables, and
| on-the-fly editing in CONFIG.SYS; reboot from
| cmd line; installation program upgrades DOS6
| multi-config; more! Does NOT write to your
| disk! NO resident driver under DOS6! 20 items
| per menu/25 menus. DOS 2.11 to 6.2 (DR, too),
| supports DOS=, QEMM7. Auth: Hans Salvisberg


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  BOOT.SYS v2.02  - The heavy-duty config
| manager. Gives you one or more menus out of
| CONFIG.SYS, similar to DOS6. Much MORE!

BT108.ZIP (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Boots from the C drive, even with a disk in
| A:.  Modifies boot sector on the floppy disk.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  BootScreen v2.2 - Display IFF picture during
| boot

CAL13.ZIP (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Cal - will display a colorful calendar from
| the DOS prompt. The current day blinks

CAM30.ZIP (185K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Config/Autoexec Manager v3.0
| Manages multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS
| configuration files.  New Interface!!
| World's Best Multiple Configuration Manager.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CCIS 2.0 (S. Demers; $0) tests the CPU
| instruction speed.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CheqIn - logs the amount of time you
| spend involved in various projects on
| your computer. There is also a HP95LX
| version included.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ChangeIt; Change file date and/or time. Use
| DOS  system time or add your own.  You have
| full control over changes: one file, series
| or even a whole directory.      Version 1.0


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CHOOSE v2.1 ASP - Simple, yet powerful, means
| of menu controlled branching within AUTOEXEC
| or other BATCH files.Unlimited cascade/nests

CLEAV157.ZIP (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Cleave v. 1.57 is a unique replacement
| for CLS in batch files and at the
| command line. The Screen appears to
| split apart.
| Registration is only $6.00. JCSVENDOR


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Clock/Cal - is a small, icon-sized
| combination clock and calendar. The display
| is an attractive digital clock above a
| simulated tear-off calendar page.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CLKTimer v4.20S  5K TSR Perform Taksk at
| Designated Times


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ClockWork - maintains an accurate system
| clock without a modem and long distance calls


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  If you have a secondary monochrome
| monitor, then download these three FREE
| utilities to maxmize your productivity!
| CLIPMONO runs Windows to copy clipboard
| data to the mono.

CLRV200.ZIP (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  COLOR VIEW Version 2.00 Color View is an
| excellent replacement for DOS "dir" command


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Compute CRC-16 and CRC-32. Written in
| 386 and 8088 ASM for maximum performance.
| W/full source code. Celso Minnitti Jr.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  COMPSEC V 1.2 Password protection logs date
| and time each time you access  your system.
| If the wrong password is tried it activates
| an alarm. It logs all illegal attempts. Use
| with AUTOEXEC.BAT or DOS menu program.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ConsoleLock v1.1 - MUI cdity locks kbd on
| user inactivity


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CONDOR v5.0 (C5) is a ANSI.SYS replacement.
| for CGA/EGA/VGA a '286 or better is required.
| full featured state of the art mouse painter
| and custom ASSEMBLER routines.  dir 67
| Files: 98  05-01-86...11-21-93  New: 95

CONF710E.ZIP (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PC-Config, the Ultimate System info and
| Benchmark-Program.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  CPUTest - contains two files that tests
| the basic operation of your CPU.
| Hardware.exe creates a text file of
| specific information about the computer
| running the tests. CPUtest.exe measures
| memory moves, register-to-register
| operations and finally memory location
| to register operations.

CPX220.ZIP (62K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Cursor control of shape/visibility/blinking.
| Tiny DOS resident for SVGA/VGA/EGA/MCGA/CGA/
| MDA/HGC adapters, DOS versions 2-6.  Options
| include UMB selfloading, and 086/286/386/486
| optimized program releases.

CS201.ZIP (103K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

| Allows you to synchronize the clock in your
| computer with that of the Naval Observatory
| or Institute of Standards & Technology.
| Is Desqview, Windows, OS/2, PC/MOS and DPMI
| aware. Supports non-standard com port address
| and interrupts, can be run un-attended in
| /BATch mode and MORE !  Shareware with as low
| as $10 registration fee.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Daily - allows you to run .COM and .EXE
| programs from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
| only once per day.  DAILY stores the
| date it runs in a file with the same
| name as your file but uses .DLY for an
| extension. Next time you boot your
| computer it checks the current system
| date against what is in last date file
| for you rprogram.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DarkLord! Ver. 2.0! Password Program! w/anti
| hacking devices; text editor, etc.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DateMinder - reminds you of upcoming events
| as you boot up your computer.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Buffered Monochrome monitor debugger This
| tiny program intercepts OutputDebugString
| messages from WINDOWS 3.1 and places them on
| a monochrome monitor. Buffers up to 1600
| lines handy if you have dual monitor set up

DEA201.ZIP (176K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DEA Release v.2.01  The most sophisticated
| Information Security (encryption) software
| available.  Features include: command line
| and prompt mode, extreme security,
| adjustable speed, automatic military delete,
| detailed error messages and traps, and
| three utilities: GenKey, KeyView, and MFD.
| Complete and detailed user manual.
| From Nellis du Maurier Information Security


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] DiskDaz - Disk sector to file conversion


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DiskExec v1.0 - Executes Command lines apon
| Disk Inserts/Removes

DIZZY102.ZIP (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DIZZY, v1.02: DOS utility: FILE_ID.DIZ off-
| line reformatter. Freeware, (c) 1994,
| [94/01/24] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal
| source.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Execute DOS Commands on Certain Dates. Good
| For Monthly Virus Scans.etc For Use on
| Autoexec.BAT File.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DJS Log Version 2.0 : Keeps log of the time
| and date when you boot your machine or access
| specified hard drives. w/Password option.

DLY400.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Delay 4.00 10/18/93
| Delay is a small exe file that lets you
| set a delay or pause in your CONFIG.SYS,
| AUTOEXEC.BAT, or any other Batch file.
| It is very useful when trying to debug
| your configuration or batch files.
| Shareware registration forms and manual
| included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).

DMAV10.ZIP (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DIRECTORY MAVEN v1.0 - Change Dir Program.
| Combines the best features of Ledbetter's
| LCD and Norton's NCD programs. Network
| compatible. $0 Freeware from FILE MAVEN
| author. 
| Files: 4  02-18-94...02-18-94  New: 4

DMC35.ZIP (73K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Memory manage utils.  Run the help .EXE for
| info


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Undocumated command switches for MS DOS.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  6th Sense DOS 6 Utilities v2.1  -
| "Front-ends" for DOS 6 FORMAT and DIR
| commands. Menu-driven, adv. features.
| Supports environment variables, undocumented
| features, more. Supports all features of
| these two commands with simple to use menu
| commands. Can help you make these switch
| selections permanent through use of
| environment variables and batch files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  -= The Dprotecter V3.1 for DOS Update! =-
| -= Released 09/15/93 =-
| Now this great copy protection remover
| had been  updated!  Now includes a search
| and  replace  routine  to  allow for many
| more unprotects to be added.  This update
| has  over 35  more programs  added to it,
| and  many  more  coming!   Allows  you to
| print  the list of  unprotects to help in
| locating  the  game   you  want  cracked!
| Features an  easy  to use mouse interface
| to  navigate you through  the  process of


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  NEW Version 1.5 of DarkLord! DARKLORD is an
| passwords/phrases can be changed with editor

DS62NC.ZIP (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Ncache2 updated files for use with DOS 6.2


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DVCal v1.1: calendar utility designed
| for DOS use, especially with DESQview;
| allows you to page-up or page-down thru
| the months/years; with MASM 6.1 source.

EALST101.ZIP (117K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕
| │EARLY START (EARLYST) - Version 1.01 │
| │      Released on the 19/09/93       │
| │Features - Fortune Cookie, History   │
| │Teacher, Password Protection, Events │
| │and Birthday lister, Time Scheduler  │
| │Statistical Analysis of your computer│
| │Enviroment, Time and Date Program    │
| │       - British author -            │
| │ Postcardware - NO REGISTRATION FEE  │
| ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
| │  Requires: 186 CPU or better,       │


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EATMEM v1.1c, limit amount of conventional
| memory available.  Useful in determining how
| much RAM another program requires. w/TASM src

EDCON220.ZIP (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EDCON PRO v2.20 - Edit/View your config.sys
| and autoexec.bat. Quick, easy, versatile.

EDIT_11.ZIP (93K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EdIt! V1.1 - A fast, windowed, mouseable
| replacement for DOS's EDIT command. Ideal for
| BAT and text files under 64k. LANtastic supp.

EID210.ZIP (128K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Encrypt-It v2.10 for DOS File Encryption

EMAN110.ZIP (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ENVI MAN v1.10  MicroMetric ASP. Space test.
| Environment utility: small assembly language
| routine with optional display of environment
| strings & data such as location, size & space


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ERR (Wayne Robbins; $10) is a TSR
| that reports errorlevels returned by
| other programs.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EZ-Setup by OsoSoft. Automatically
| searches your floppy disks for
| standard SETUP or INSTALL programs
| and starts the installation. FREE.

FDE100.ZIP (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  File Description Editor - Ver 1.00 - 4DOS
| compatible. Editor for file descriptions up
| to 200 characters long. Full featured editor.

FE12.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Fast Encrypt v1.2 - with command support.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DiskFileName to DateFileName - renames the
| specified disk file to the date your PC
| has stored in CMOS.  Handy!     Dir 50


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] PC Magazine Utility for finding active IRQs

FX550107.ZIP (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  FIX16550 device driver v01.07.00. AUTOMATIC
| NON-RESIDENT device driver to fix a problem
| with AMI BIOSes and 16550 UARTS (used in
| hi-speed modems and serial boards). 8514/A
| compatibility option. Also adds COM3: and
| COM4: to systems that don't "see" them.

GC100005.ZIP (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  GC1000.COM v0.50 - A utility to set the PC's
| time using the Heath GC-1000 Most Accurate
| Clock.  Includes assembly language source.
| Written by Douglas W. Hogarth.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Get Colors v1.0: utility to save a user's
| (unknown) screen colors at the beginning of a
| batch file, so that they can be reset at end!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Global Security: File encryption
| program that uses an extremely secure
| method of a one time pad. The program
| works ok but does not seem to like QEMM
| or Windows.

GO311.ZIP (62K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  GO! v3.11 - "The way CHDIR should have been
| written." Searches for directories matching
| command line argument on all logged drives &
| automatically goes there.  For example, to go
| to a directory named H:\WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES
| instead of having to type two commands, an H:
| then CD \WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES, you only need
| type GO QUOTES. Now GO! is "Desqview aware"
| as well. Shareware - $5 reg/fee
| Files: 7  12-15-93...01-16-94  New: 7

HDAY31.ZIP (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Holiday v3.1 countdown to holidays for


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  HideFile v1.1: Hide Files in Plain Sight
| provides a simple way of encrypting files, by
| hiding them in plain sight, locking the
| contents of the file even from Norton;

HOLD_10.ZIP (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  HOLD! 1.0
| Utility creates a user definable
| time delay.  Great for use in
| batch files, events, etc., where
| you need a pause for any reason.
| Can also echo a countdown on screen.
| Freeware by Paul Cutrona.

HONTO099.ZIP (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  HONTO v0.99ß: The BEST directory lister
| Does NOT depend on extension to view! MORE!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Icon Shell - is a DOS shell with a
| Window-like graphical user interface.
| NEW: improved menu capabilities.

IFON21.ZIP (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  IfOnScrn - is a TSR which watches the
| screen for any of three different text
| strings to appear, at which point it
| can pass specified keystrokes to the
| underlying application, display a text
| windows, or sound an alert signal.

IFWT11.ZIP (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  IfWait - controls a speaker and/or
| parallel port device including the TNT
| IFBUZZ buzzer device. It makes the
| speaker and/or device buzz or beep so
| that you can add buzzer indications to
| your batch files.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  IniDif - is a DOS command line utility
| that compares two INI files and
| produces a third file that contains the
| differences between the two files. This
| allows you to install a new Windows
| program and compare the changed INI
| file to the original one.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 39 Ralf Brown


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 39 Ralf Brown


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 39 Ralf Brown
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 6100 entries in INTER39A to INTER39C,
| and conversion programs as hypertext database

KYSD10.ZIP (308K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Know Your Stuff 1.0 Study Program For DOS.

LOAD221.ZIP (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  A DOS-command line loader/unloader of device
| drivers for MS-DOS/PC-DOS versions 2 through
| 6 (not DR-DOS). Options include UMB loading,
| unloading of loaded drivers, and 086/286/386
| /486-optimized program releases.
| - Release information: UnZip and enter READ.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  LOCKSMITH PC v1.0 SHARWARE Locksmith PC is
| the premier utility in copy protection
| removal. Unlock new and old software titles
| that require documentation, code wheels, or
| keydisk to operate. This shareware version
| unlocks 100 of the 700 program titles


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  LOCKit security system for DOS, requires VGA
| graphics card and DOS 5.0 or later. Simple to
| set up and will not let anybody enter your
| computer without you knowing. Written in C


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  System Log, will log (w/ time and date) all
| file access. A small, fast TSR(3k) in 100%
| assembly. Will log file access under any
| version of dos 3.0 /Windows ·.■Logs file
| access under dos/windows


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] LPT monitor. 8086 asm source code included

LST05.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  LST 0.5 - A Colorful, Extremely Fast, FREE
| DIR replacement. From Vertigo Entertainment

MDEL13.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Delete utility that accepts multiple
| arguments of the form MDEL pattern


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Measure the amount of CPU time consumed by
| disk I/O and the I/O performance of 2 drives
| at the same time. Multithreaded version of
| IOSTONE disk benchmark, also shows CPU usage.
| Another OS/2 Utility Folks!

MMAN200.ZIP (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  MENU MAN v2.00 r01/01/94 MicroMetric ASP :
| Utility to display user selection or check
| box style menus from within batch files;MORE!

NO401.ZIP (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  NO 4.01 10/13/93
| NO is a utility that gives many DOS commands
| and external utilities the ability to exclude
| certain groups of files from the effects of
| the program called. Shareware registration
| forms and manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech
| Systems (ASP).


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Tracks system's .COM and .EXE files to
| see if any have been added. Designed to
| cut down on illegal copies of software.
| Displays company policy towards illegal
| software.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  NW_ANSI v1.1 - If ANSI driver installed,
| set ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch
| files that need to make sure the end user
| still has an ANSI driver loaded!
| By Steve Meirowsky of New World Designs.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  NW_FHCNT v1.1 - Return file handle count in


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  NW_SHARE v1.1 - If SHARE driver installed,
| set ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch
| files that need to make sure the end user
| still has a SHARE driver loaded!
| By Steve Meirowsky of New World Designs.

OBACK203.ZIP (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  OBACKUP and ORESTORE back up and restore data
| from/to hard disks and floppies. Optional
| compression.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Oblit - deletes files in such a way
| that they cannot be undeleted.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  OBOE - is a set of 3 functions for use in
| batch file. ASK will prompt for a response
| using ERRORLEVEL, BEEP will sound a 400 cps
| tone, and a function to move the cursor to
| any.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PathTool v2.3 - Powerful PATH utility lets
| user modify PATH by using straight forward
| commands. Up to 121 bytes long. LAN/non-LAN
| DOS, Windows, OS/2 tested. Steve Meirowsky.

PB24.ZIP (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Playback   - captures your keystrokes,
| including the delay between keystrokes,
| and lets you play them back in various ways

PCCLK305.ZIP (82K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PCCLOCK v3.05 ASP - Sets your PC's date and
| time by modem to NIST or USNO atomic clock.
| Great display, manual setting option, chime,
| alarm. Supports 300- to 14.4k-bps modems.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] PCOPY v9.3 - the ultimate DOS COPY - try it!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PC-CRYPT Ver 8.0 program features encryption
| and decryption of disk files using Vernam
| process combined with use of random or
| One-Time-Pad keyfiles. This ZIP is export
| version that does not includes BASIC source
| code for QuickBASIC (QBASIC) and PowerBASIC.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PC-Sentry (Solid Oak Software; $93) is a
| collection of programs that provides
| security and accountability on PC's and
| networks. NEW: Formerly small program.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PC Time Standard  - sets your system clock by
| calling the NIST.  Dir 20


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PGPShell version 3.0 - December 1993 A
| front-end shell for use with Phil
| Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
| public-key encryption program.

POCK40.ZIP (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  POCKETD PLUS v4.0  - 30k DOS Army Knife
| Awarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL and
| WHAT PC's joint "BEST UTILITY 1994". Tiny but
| superb color directory lister, file COPY and
| immensely powerful file manager.
| Files: 34  03-27-94...03-27-94  New: 22

POM233B.ZIP (116K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PARSE-O-MATIC version 2.33 moves data between
| programs that normally  don't understand each
| each  other's  data.   Convert  reports  from
| one program into a format useful to the other
| one.  Edit text files by script. Don't retype
| all your data:  print your report to  a file,
| then use  P-O-M  to  CONVERT it  to the input
| format you require!  Shareware from Pinnacle.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Protect! EXE/COM v.5.0 -  Encrypts & protects
| your EXE/COM files. File integrity is checked
| using a CRC  whenever the  Protected file  is
| run, and if the  file has been tampered with,
| a customizable message is displayed. Designed
| to drastically hinder hacking. No LZEXE req'd


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Printplus v6.9 Tag and print, copy, move, del
| files, view files, pull down menus

PRO131S.ZIP (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ProPrompt v1.31 - create/edit custom prompts
| with colors for DOS. can include time, date,
| graphics, DOS version, more.

PTM229G.ZIP (246K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  DOS PHANTOM v2.9c  Task Automator - 55
| Record any task you perform at the keyboard
| for playback by hotkey or on a schedule.
| Store selected screen text for playback as
| keyboard input to another program. Use for
| application integration and scheduled tasks.

PW52.ZIP (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  PASSWORD is a password protection program
| disguised as a normal looking but phony C
| prompt. Has many features to control the
| appearance and behavior of the program.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  POWERBATCH v2.0 
| A high-level command compiler which creates
| standalone .EXE programs. Great tool for
| replacing DOS batch files. All the functions
| of a .BAT file plus 40 additional commands.

QCOPY340.ZIP (95K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  QUIKCOPY v3.40 - - Quick file and diskette
| copier for DOS. - Now supports truly-wild
| wild-cards! - Faster! Maximal diskette fill
| now supports nested subdirectories!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Tec files for QEMM users


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  QIC-BAT for CMS v1.2 
| Tape backup utility for Colorado Tape Drives.
| Unleashes the power of your CMS tape backup
| software by providing access to features not
| available using CMS's menu software. Creates
| error-free backup batch files with just a
| few clicks of the mouse. Multi-drive backups,
| mouse support, Tag File Generator, On-line
| help, group drives and verification reports.
| Reg'd users also receive Windows version.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  These FREEWARE utilities  are  2  RESIZABLE
| ramdisks.  One is for XMS and the other one
| is for EMS.

RCD21.ZIP (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Intelligent Change disk/directory. Use
| partial names -- select if several pop up.

RDATE120.ZIP (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  REDATE! v1.20- Free DOS utility: file
| redater. (c) 1993 [10/20/93] by David Daniel
| Anderson - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
| New: non-current dir processing ability.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Simple memory dump util, better than debug


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  [Reboot] can reboot your computer from a
| batch file or from the DOS command line,
| optionally doing either a cold or warm
| (ie: no memory check) - reboot.

RM.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  RM - is a Unix-like command to remove
| one or more files or directories with
| or without attributes.

RM13.ZIP (166K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Remind Me - displays reminders  at boot
| up or after the PC is running.
| Reminders can be shown once, daily,
| weekly, monthly, quarterly,
| semi-annually, annually or every
| specified number of days. Current date
| and time can also be shown when the PC
| is turned on or at any later time.

RND11.ZIP (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  RND v1.1: allows you to rename or move
| directories w/a single cmd late 1993

ROT13141.ZIP (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ROT13 V 1.41 Descrambles the text format call
| ROT13 (Also encrypts decryptsEXE .COM .GIF

RS11.ZIP (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  RS. Read Screen image into file.
| Screen contents is stored in ascii
| file. RS takes odd screen lengths
| into account.
| Handy to run it before editing
| so you can Cut and Paste from
| the DOS screen.
| USE: RS .

RUN160.ZIP (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Run OS/2 programs within DOS sessions.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Batch file util, counts/gets errorlevel

S3CL10.ZIP (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  S3 Command Line Help Utility v1.0 - helps
| using programs that use numerous command line
| switches.  George Spafford.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Environment variable lister, debug passed
| commands


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TASK SCHEDULER VERSION 2.5 ASP Schedule and
| run DOS programs anytime-


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  System shutdown program v1.5 Immediate, timed
| or on specified time/date.

SNOOP33.ZIP (156K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SNOOPER v3.30  - System info utility.
| Shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, DOS, BIOS, memory,
| disks, video, CD-ROM, env, kbd, sound cards,
| ports, IDE model, CMOS info, disk cache,
| Stacker, FILES & BUFFERS, IRQs, DMA, modems,
| mice, port IRQs. Lets you edit CMOS, CONFIG,
| & AUTOEXEC. Network and benchmark screens,
| detects 1100 MicroChannel cards.

SORT251.ZIP (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] DOS sort replacement utility

SORTX100.ZIP (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Enhanced DOS sort utility


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  EveryDay  - automates tasks at boot
| time, It allows you to specify what
| operations are performed on a daily,
| weekly, and monthly basis.

SRDSK205.ZIP (71K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.05.
| Copyright (c) 1994 Marko Kohtala. Released
| Jan 31st, 1994. SRDISK is a virtual disk
| device driver and controller capable of using
| over 32M of XMS and EMS memory. The disk can
| be disabled and it's size can be changed
| without rebooting. Other useful features too!

SSINF323.ZIP (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SysInfo v3.23 - Display Info about CPU/
| /Boards/Mem, etc.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Tech releases for new Stacker 4.0.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Use with STOWIT52.ZIP as DEMO and evaluator
| for Stowit!

SYSCF420.ZIP (147K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SYSCFG v4.20 great AUTOEXEC.BAT and
| CONFIG.SYS database program. Many command
| line switches, or run from the menu.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  SYSCHK v2.39 ASP - System Info Checker.
| System information utility provides complete
| details on devices installed in your system.
| Shows CPU, IRQs, Bus Type, BIOS, Mouse Info,
| Port Info, all disk info, CD-ROM, TSR info,
| Network, Video, Memory info, speed, etc...


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  *****  SYS INFO Version 2.50  *****
| * Great     system    information *
| * utility!   Must Download Today. *
| * Now  supports  Epson and  other *
| * printers!    Outputs  to  file, *
| * too!  Shareware - $5.00         *

TAME320.ZIP (104K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TAME Release 3.2 - Speeds multitasking of DOS
| applications in Windows, OS/2, Desqview, MORE


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TAPECV reads the ASCII printed output from
| Colorado Memory System's TAPE.EXE program
| from disk and generates a comma-separated
| file suitable for import into just about
| anybody's general database software.
| Shareware, $0.00 registration fee.  Enjoy.

TASKR195.ZIP (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  1.95 Unattended prog. dispatcher. will
| execute any program and parameters, or
| command line input (Copy, dir, etc..)
| at any prescheduled time.  It's great
| to load on unattended pc's to execute
| backups, production jobs, virus scans,
| batch files, etc. - Uses any specified
| taskfile - LAN compatible - Logging
| feature - Screen redirection during
| task execution - much more...

TBT321.ZIP (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.21 12/21/93
| TurboBAT creates aCOM program file from
| a DOS batch file.  Eliminates the need to
| distribute batch files with source code
| Registered users do not need to pay
| royalties on programs created with TurboBAT.

TCAT112.ZIP (185K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TCAT 1.12 [1/1]. Tape cataloging system.
| For use with Colorado QIC compatible
| tape backup systems. Supports import
| from and export to Paradox(tm) database
| format. Other features include
| description mastering, FILE_ID.DIZ
| scanning, duplicate purging, great
| user interface, and much more.
| NEW! -- Add from Novaback index files
| and disk directories if no QIC avail!

TDOS130.ZIP (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Dos emulator. Give harsh prompts to friends!

TL123_4.ZIP (151K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Tape Librarian to catalog backup tapes
| made with CMS's Jumbo Tape software for
| DOS. Works with backups made with v2.54
| to v4.01.

TLB_A231.ZIP (167K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with
| Requires the companion standard package,
| TLB-V231.ZIP.

TLB_T231.ZIP (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  A small program to test compatibility with
| If successful, you may want to download
| TLB-V231.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A231.ZIP.

TLB_V231.ZIP (219K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

| Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more
| between 640k and 1 meg.  Compatible w/DOS
| 6, Win 3.1, & all prot. mode software.
| Requires 8088 or above and a supported
| shadow ram controller, EMS, or R/W ram
| in the UMA.  Registration fee: $29.95

TLB_W231.ZIP (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  What's new in version 2.31 of

TNT34.ZIP (438K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Tessler's Nifty Tools - is a collection
| of over 25 useful programs for MS-DOS
| that control printers, modems, screen
| output, prompts, ports, floppy drives,
| sound cards and more.

TOP210.ZIP (536K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TOP version 2.10  Improves DOS commands
| without sacrificing the command line!
| including help! Screen savers, custom colors,
| super VGA support, much more. The color DIR
| utility alone has over 35 options!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Time-Pro - allows unattended operation
| of almost any type of DOS program by
| schuduling routines to be performed at
| a pre-specified date and time.

TSORT300.ZIP (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

| * FREE (but donations are welcome).
| * Sort ANY size file quickly.
| * 16 and 32 bit OS/2 versions.
| * C source available for $35.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TSR Utilities v3.5 Support for DOS 6
| QEMM7,386MAX7 and support for unloading.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TSR Utilities v3.5: collection of useful
| utilities for managing DOS memory,
| particularly memory resident programs
| (TSRs); with Mark and Release, Watch,
| Disable; new, revised docs; Can Mark/
| Release the Novell NetWare shell;
| supports DOS 6.0 & high memory this is
| the TP/ASM source - main pgm files in

TY31.ZIP (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TY.EXE v3.1 - This is a replacement for the
| DOS TYPE command. Added in this release is
| 80x50 mode.

TYPDS415.ZIP (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  TYPEDOS  Version 4      Typing DOS Commands
| Learn DOS commands.  Analyzes 66 commands.
| Makes immediate on-screen suggestions.  Gives
| usable DOS tricks--shortcut commands that
| speed up DOS work with hot tips just the
| experts know.  Written for a computer school,
| this will make you a DOS pro quite soon.
| Colorful.  Well designed.  Super tool for
| teachers!  (Also available:  two student
| computer tests of TYPEDOS.EXE.)


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  UtilMenu v1.1 Expand your 2 DOS hooks into m
| Tired of having only two DOS hooks from each
| get this program. FINALLY, an inexpensive wa
| hooks! Full voice and BBS support!


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] Util avoids "Incorrect DOS Version" error

VIZ431.ZIP (82K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  An accelerator for BIOS-DOS-ANSI screen text
| modes. Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA/MDA/HGC+
| and snow-free CGA adapters. Options include:
| independent (video) ANSI replacement module;
| laptop blink-cursor module; UMB selfloading;
| 086/286/386/486 optimized releases.  Uses as
| little as 900 bytes; very fast acceleration.
| --------------------------------------------
| For release information, decompress the .ZIP
| file, type 'READ' and press the Enter key.

VMIX290.ZIP (266K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  The only ShareWare multiuser and multitasking
| environment for DOS 3 through DOS 6. Provides
| concurrent DOS virtual machines, with fully
| preemptive scheduler to handle the demands of
| communications software. Will run on 8086 to
| 80586 computers. Much more.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  WAITTIL v1.1  A little batch file utility
| that will pause execution until particular
| time arrives.  WaitTil will simply set around
| watching the clock until the time arrives
| that you have requested.  WaitTil will allow
| you to abort the process and exit errorlevel
| 99, continue the process and exit with an
| errorlevel 0, or specify an errorlevel to
| exit with, 1 - 10. WaitTil also cares enough
| for your system to prevent screen burn in.
| Every ten seconds the status box will move


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  WhaTape 2.10 is a prompting front end
| for your tape backup software. Will
| set an errorlevel so that different backup
| commands can be executed for each tape. MORE

XDISK360.ZIP (89K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  Resizable EMS-RAM disk, LIM 4+, DOS-6 aware.
| Options include: Resizing on-the-fly with or
| without preservation of drive contents, 0-KB
| disk collapse, UMB selfloading, DOS command-
| line load/unload (DOS 3-6), password access,
| and 086/286/386/486 code optimized releases.
| --------------------------------------------
| For release information, decompress the .ZIP
| archive, type READ, and press .

XLIB31.ZIP (127K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

0] DOS Extender Library for Protected-Mode DOS

XSET402.ZIP (139K)

Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  XSET v4.02;set/chg/calc DOS ENVIRONMENT vars.
| Powerful ENVIRONMENT variable utility allows
| very sophisticated batch file development,
| incl. loop counters and more.


Uploaded Wed May 08 2024 04:26 pm

[0]  ZiffNet file viewer for '.zdg' formatted
| files. Similar to Norton Guides.